Data from: Ice-cover is the principal driver of ecological change in High Arctic lakes and ponds
Data files
Mar 30, 2017 version files 4.15 MB
Col Broken stick.pdf
Col Coniss.pdf
Col N2.csv
Col Pond.xls
Elison broken stick.pdf
Elison coniss.pdf
Elison Lake.xlsx
Elison N2.csv
Elison_Lake_July_17_2007-July 16 2011 thermistor.xlsx
Grouping rationale v2.pdf
High broken stick.pdf
High coniss.pdf
High Lake activity.txt
High Lake dates.txt
High Lake.xlsx
High N2.csv
Hills N2 script.R
Moraine activity.txt
Moraine broken stick.pdf
Moraine Coniss.pdf
Moraine dates
Moraine N2.csv
Moraine Pond.xlsx
Paradise activity.txt
Paradise Broken stick.pdf
Paradise Coniss.pdf
Paradise dates.txt
Paradise N2.csv
Paradise Pond.xlsx
Plateau Pond 2 broken stick.pdf
Plateau pond 2 coniss.pdf
Plateau Pond 2.xlsx
Plateau Pond2 activity.txt
Plateau Pond2 dates.txt
PP2 N2.csv
Proteus activity.txt
Proteus broken stick.pdf
Proteus coniss.pdf
Proteus dates.txt
Proteus lake.xlsx
Proteus N2.csv
SV Pond 5 activity.csv
SV Pond 5 dates.csv
SV Pond 8 activity.csv
SV Pond 8 dates.csv
SV Ponds 14C dating.xls
SV5 broken stick.pdf
SV5 coniss.pdf
SV5 N2.csv
SV8 broken stick.pdf
SV8 coniss.pdf
SV8 N2.csv
Sverdrup Pass Ponds.xls
Water chem additional parameters all sites.xlsx
West activity.txt
West broken stick.pdf
West coniss.pdf
West Lake dates.txt
West Lake.xlsx
West N2.csv
Recent climate change has been especially pronounced in the High Arctic, however, the responses of aquatic biota, such as diatoms, can be modified by site-specific environmental characteristics. To assess if climate-mediated ice cover changes affect the diatom response to climate, we used paleolimnological techniques to examine shifts in diatom assemblages from ten High Arctic lakes and ponds from Ellesmere Island and nearby Pim Island (Nunavut, Canada). The sites were divided a priori into four groups (“warm”, “cool”, “cold”, and “oasis”) based on local elevation and microclimatic differences that result in differing lengths of the ice-free season, as well as about three decades of personal observations. We characterized the species changes as a shift from Condition 1 (i.e. a generally low diversity, predominantly epipelic and epilithic diatom assemblage) to Condition 2 (i.e. a typically more diverse and ecologically complex assemblage with an increasing proportion of epiphytic species). This shift from Condition 1 to Condition 2 was a consistent pattern recorded across the sites that experienced a change in ice cover with warming. The “warm” sites are amongst the first to lose their ice covers in summer and recorded the earliest and highest magnitude changes. The “cool” sites also exhibited a shift from Condition 1 to Condition 2, but, as predicted, the timing of the response lagged the “warm” sites. Meanwhile some of the “cold” sites, which until recently still retained an ice raft in summer, only exhibited this shift in the upper-most sediments. The warmer “oasis” ponds likely supported aquatic vegetation throughout their records. Consequently, the diatoms of the “oasis” sites were characterized as high-diversity, Condition 2 assemblages throughout the record. Our results support the hypothesis that the length of the ice-free season is the principal driver of diatom assemblage responses to climate in the High Arctic, largely driven by the establishment of new aquatic habitats, resulting in increased diversity and the emergence of novel growth forms and epiphytic species.