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Data from: Hatching hierarchy but not egg-related effects governs behavioral phenotypes in gull chicks

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Diaz-Real, Javier; Kim, Sin-Yeon; Velando, Alberto (2016). Data from: Hatching hierarchy but not egg-related effects governs behavioral phenotypes in gull chicks [Dataset]. Dryad.


In many bird species that practice parental care, siblings often compete for resources and care provided by their parents, although their strategies differ according to hatching rank and condition. Differences in offspring strategies are generally attributed to hatching order and maternal effects, which are difficult to separate because these effects are often correlated. For example, third-hatched chicks of large gull species receive more egg testosterones and corticosterone, which influence early behavioral patterns. In this study, we carried out a cross-fostering experiment with first- and last-laid eggs of the yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis) to test whether the within-brood variation in behavioral strategies for competing with siblings and coping with stress are due to maternal effects or to hatching order. Chicks hatched in the last position within the experimental brood emitted more chatter calls to attract parents’ attention, were less prone to respond to warning of danger, and had a lower breathing rate while restrained than first-hatched chicks. Egg laying order did not affect chick behaviors or breathing rate. Thus, we concluded that the different behavioral strategies of chicks were determined by their posthatching experience and not by the original egg position within the clutch. Last-laid eggs were smaller and chicks from those eggs grew slower than chicks from first-laid eggs. Independently of the original laying order, chicks that hatched first in the experimental brood grew faster than their siblings. Overall, our results indicate that behavioral strategies of chicks are plastic and influenced by their early social experience.

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