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Data for: Freeze tolerance influenced forest cover and hydrology during the Pennsylvanian

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Global forest cover affects the Earth system by altering surface mass and energy exchange. Physiology determines plant environmental limits and influences geographical vegetation distribution. Ancient plant physiology, therefore, likely affected vegetation-climate feedbacks. We combine climate modeling and ecosystem-process modeling to simulate arboreal vegetation in the late Paleozoic ice age. Using GENESIS V3 GCM simulations, varying pCO2pO2, and ice extent for the Pennsylvanian, and fossil-derived leaf C:N, maximum stomatal conductance, and specific conductivity for several major Carboniferous plant groups, we simulated global ecosystem processes at a 2-degree (longitude, latitude) resolution with Paleo-BGC. Based on leaf water constraints, Pangaea could have supported widespread arboreal plant growth and forest cover. However, these models do not account for the impacts of freezing on plants. According to our interpretation, freezing would have affected plants in 89% of unglaciated land during peak glacial periods, and 65% during the warmer interglacials. Comparing forest cover, minimum temperatures, and paleo-locations of Pennsylvanian-aged plant fossils from the Paleobiology Database supports restriction of global forest extent due to freezing. Many genera were limited to 25% of unglaciated land where temperatures remained above −4°C. Freeze-intolerance of Pennsylvanian arboreal vegetation had the potential to alter surface runoff, silicate weathering, CO2­ levels, and climate forcing. As a bounding case, we assume total plant mortality at −4°C and estimate that contracting forest cover increased net global surface runoff by up to 6.1%. Repeated freezing likely influenced freeze- and drought-tolerance evolution in lineages like the coniferophytes, which became increasingly dominant in the Permian and early Mesozoic.