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S. neglecta parasitism in O. nigricornis: 2018 collection

Data files

Aug 25, 2020 version files 27.65 KB


In July 2018, we collected O. nigricornis crickets in southern Ontario (Canada) and New York State (United States of America): from the Koffler Scientific Reserve (coded as K or site 2) (King City Ontario, 44.03°N, 79.53°W), rare Charitable Research Reserve (coded as R or site 4) (Cambridge Ontario, 43.38°N, 80.39°W), the University of Toronto at Mississauga (coded as M or site 3) (43.55°N, 79.66°W), and the Edmund Niles Huyck Preserve and Biological Research Station (coded as H or site 1) (Rensselaerville, New York, 42.10°N, 74.10°W). 

Crickets were dissected and photographed using an AmScope 5MP digital microscope camera attached to a Wild M5A dissecting microscope. Following dissection, abdomens were examined for the presence of S. neglecta eggs and/or larvae. Crickets containing fly eggs and/or larvae were given a fitness score of 0, while those that did not contain either were given a fitness score of 1.

Crickets were photographed under the microscope and digital photos measured using ImageJ software. Measurements of pronotum length, femur length and head width were taken.