Data from: Forecasting nocturnal bird migration for dynamic aeroconservation: the value of short-term dataset
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Placing wind turbines within large migration flyways, such as the North Sea basin, can contribute to the decline of vulnerable migratory bird populations by increasing mortality through collisions. Curtailment of wind turbines limited to short periods with intense migration can minimize these negative impacts, and near-term bird migration forecasts can inform such decisions. Although near-term forecasts are usually created with long-term datasets, the pace of environmental alteration due to wind energy calls for urgent development of conservation measures that rely on existing data, even when it does not have long temporal coverage. Here, we use five years of tracking bird radar data collected off the western Dutch coast, weather, and phenological variables to develop seasonal near-term forecasts of low-altitude nocturnal bird migration over the southern North Sea. Overall, the models explained 71% of the variance and correctly predicted migration intensity above or below a threshold for intense hourly migration in more than 80% of hours in both seasons. However, the percentage of correctly predicted intense migration hours (top 5% of hours with the most intense migration) was low, likely due to the short-term dataset and their rare occurrence. We, therefore, advise careful consideration of a curtailment threshold to achieve optimal results. Synthesis and applications: Near-term forecasts of migration fluxes evaluated against measurements can be used to define curtailment thresholds for offshore wind energy. We show that to minimize collision risk for 50% of migrants, if predicted correctly, curtailments should be applied during 18 hours in spring and 26 in autumn in the focal year of model assessments, resulting in an estimated annual wind energy loss of 0.12%. Drawing from the Dutch curtailment framework, which pioneered the 'international first' offshore curtailment, we argue that using forecasts developed from limited temporal datasets alongside expert insight and data-driven policies can expedite conservation efforts in a rapidly changing world. This approach is particularly valuable in light of increasing interannual variability in weather conditions.
README: Data from: Forecasting nocturnal bird migration for dynamic aeroconservation: the value of short-term dataset
The two datasets contain seasonal (spring and autumn) hourly measurements of migration intensity derived from the bird tracking radar data (Robin Radar, 3D-fixed) located in the Luchterduinen wind farm (52.25 N, 4.10 E), 23 km off the western Dutch coast and the corresponding weather variables extracted from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast ERA5 reanalysis dataset (Hersbach et al., 2020) for a grid cell with centroid in 52.25 N 4.00 E or their derivatives. The dataset also contains calculated hourly proxies for the phenology of bird migration. Please see the connected paper and the supplementary information for more general information and details on how these variables were derived.
Raw radar data, processed by the radar software, is collected by Rijkswaterstaat (the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management) and a copy is stored by the University of Amsterdam. For more information about the data, contact the authors of this paper.
The data matrix described below was used to train the spring and autumn forecast model, which predicts the hourly intensity of nocturnal bird migration in the Dutch southern North Sea.
Measurements of migration intensity are not available (MTR column set to NA) if the radar was off due to maintenance or technical failure or when automated clutter filtering activity in the radar software was too high for the data to be considered reliable (e.g. moments of high sea state).
Description of the data and file structure
The following tables can be combined to understand the variables in datasets, as well as their locations and units. The related manuscript can give more details about departure locations and specific calculations of variables. The tables contain multiple years of data for the spring (2019-2023) and autumn (2019-2022) migration seasons.
Table 1. Glossary of abbreviations in data tables.
Abbreviation | Description |
acc | accumulation |
acc_diff | (nightly) difference in accumulation |
tp or P | total precipitation |
wa | wind assistance |
t | temperature |
msl | Mean sea level pressure |
L | Radar location (Luchterduinen) |
UK | United Kingdom |
F | France |
NW | Nort-west Germany |
NN | North Netherlands |
D | Denmark |
delta | (nightly) difference in weather variable |
Hour_p | Proxy for diurnal phenology |
Year_p | Proxy for seasonal phenology |
Table 2. Variables available in data tables.
Description | Unit | Season | Location |
Time (UTC) | h | Both | - |
Migration traffic rate (MTR) | Birds/km/h | Both | Radar location |
Wind assistance toward W | m/s | Autumn | Radar and NW Germany |
Wind assistance toward SW | m/s | Autumn | Radar, N Netherlands and Denmark |
Wind assistance toward E | m/s | Spring | Radar and the UK |
Wind assistance toward NE | m/s | Spring | Radar and NW France |
Total precipitation | mm | Both | Radar and departure locations |
Temperature | °C | Both | Radar and departure locations |
Mean sea level pressure | hPa | Both | Radar and departure locations |
The nightly difference in mean sea level pressure | hPa | Both | Departure locations |
Accumulation due to wind assistance | - | Both | Departure locations |
The nightly difference in accumulation due to wind assistance | - | Both | Departure locations |
Accumulation due to total precipitation | - | Both | Departure locations |
The nightly difference in accumulation due to precipitation | - | Both | Departure locations |
Diurnal phenology | - | Both | - |
Seasonal phenology | - | Both | - |