Effect of the histone deacetylase inhibitor Trichostatin A on facial development in cichlid fishes
Data files
Oct 12, 2023 version files 828.39 KB
A central question in biology is the molecular origins of phenotypic diversity. While genetic changes are key to the genotype-phenotype relationship, alterations to chromatin structure and the physical packaging of histone proteins may also be important drivers of vertebrate divergence. We investigate the impact of such an epigenetic mechanism, histone acetylation, within a textbook example of an adaptive radiation. Cichlids of Lake Malawi have adapted diverse craniofacial structures, and here we investigate how histone acetylation influences morphological variation in these fishes. Specifically, we assessed the effect of inhibiting histone deacetylation using the drug trichostatin A (TSA) on developing facial structures. We examined this during three critical developmental windows in two cichlid species with alternate adult morphologies. Exposure to TSA during neural crest cell (NCC) migration and as post-migratory NCCs proliferate into the pharyngeal arches resulted in significant changes in lateral and ventral shape in Maylandia, but not in Tropheops. This included an overall shortening of the head, widening of the lower jaw, and steeper craniofacial profile, all of which are paedomorphic morphologies. In contrast, treatment with TSA during early chondrogenesis did not result in significant morphological changes in either species. Together, these data suggest a sensitivity to epigenetic alterations that are both time- and species-dependent. We find that morphologies are due to non-autonomous or potentially indirect effects on NCC development, including in part a global developmental delay. Our research bolsters the understanding that proper histone acetylation is essential for early craniofacial development and identifies a species-specific robustness to developmental change. Overall, this study demonstrates how epigenetic regulation may play an important role in both generating and buffering morphological variation.
README: Effect of the histone deacetylase inhibitor Trichostatin A on facial development in cichlid fishes
The files deposited in this repository were collected to examine the effects of a chemical treatment (Trichostatin A) on craniofacial morphology in Tropheops sp. "red fin" (Tropheops) and Maylandia zebra (Maylandia) during development. Each species was analyzed separately. Files named _TPS files include ventral (named Species_ventral) and lateral (named Species_lateral) landmark data used for geometric morphometric shape analysis.
_PCscores.csv contain the principal component scores from the geometric morphometric analysis. The "Maylandia_dev_delay" files were collected to see if the effects of the Trichostain A treatment were causing a developmental delay in Maylandia.
Timepoints are indicated in file and sample names based on days of cichlid development during which treatments occurred. That is, samples marked 2_3 were treated from 2 dpf to 3 dpf (stage 10-11), 3_4 is from 3 dpf to 4 dpf (stage 11-15) and 5_6 is from 5 dpf to 6 dpf (stage 17-18) based on Fujimura & Okada, 2007.