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Greenhouse gas reduction opportunities for local governments: a quantification and prioritization framework

Data files


The goal of this research was to present a decision-making framework for greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation strategy selection for local governments based on the development of life cycle GHG mitigation “supply curves”. This approach offers the ability to combine the impacts and cost-effectiveness measurements of numerous GHG mitigation options at the same time. Life cycle GHG emissions accounting considers emissions generated throughout the supply chain of a product or process, and also typically considers system-wide or consequential effects on emissions as well. Life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) and life cycle assessment (LCA) were the two methods used to quanitfy the costs and environmental impacts of the strategies, respectively. Los Angeles (LA) County and Yolo County were selected and the following actions for inclusion in GHG mitigation supply curves for each county were selected:

1. Los Angeles County chose to move forward with quantification of two strategies;

a. Transit bus electrification, which is being undertaken by Foothill Transit, a transit agency that serves not just the unincorporated regions of LA County, but also incorporated regions, and

b.  Implementation of alternative fuel vehicles for LA County fleet

2. Yolo County chose to move forward with quantification of six strategies;

a. Emissions reductions from electricity as a result of switching from PG&E to a community choice aggregation (CCA) entity, Valley Clean Energy (VCE).

b. Bike lanes connecting other cities in Yolo County to Davis for employees not living in Davis.

c. Changes to start and stop, roundabouts, and speed limits in Yolo County affecting vehicle fuel economy.

d. Solar panel canopies installed for electricity generation for electric vehicle charging and lighting on county parking lots.

e. Full depth reclamation versus conventional pavement rehabilitation methods.

This document summarizes the data for each strategy.