Popular flight costs and emissions data
Data files
Dec 12, 2019 version files 275.34 KB
1.62 KB
269.84 KB
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This dataset gives information on 67 popular destinations for UC Davis employee business travel. For each destination, we give a selection of possible flights, collected in Summer and Fall 2019, each annotated with emissions as estimated by Atmosfair.de, and also the probability that each flight would be chosen, based on a model of employee flight choice preference that we compute from survey data.
The destinations were chosen based on data provided by the University's Accounting and Financial Services, and it cannot be sufficiently anonymized. We do include a file listing top destinations and the number of times which each one was flown to (topDestinations.csv). There is also a zip file, scoredCombinedFlightOptions.zip, containing 67 csv files, one for each of the popular destinations (some were excluded for various reasons). And, there is a README file, describing the files for the destinations.