Data from: Response to novel feed in dairy calves is affected by prior hay provision and presentation method
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Apr 12, 2023 version files 155.05 KB
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Animals raised in environments that prevent natural foraging opportunities may show difficulties adapting to novelty, such as feeding and management changes. Our objective was to evaluate how early provision and presentation of forage in dairy calves affected response to novel TMR (total mixed ration; grain and alfalfa) at weaning. Holstein heifer calves were housed individually on sand and fed a diet of starter grain and milk replacer (5.7–8.4L/d step-up) via a bottle (Control, n=9) or given additional access to mountaingrass hay presented either in a bucket (Bucket, n=9) or PVC pipe feeder (Pipe, n=9). Treatments were applied from birth through 50 d of age when step-down weaning began. All calves had 3 buckets and a pipe feeder in their pens. On d 50, each calf was briefly blocked inside their hutch. TMR was put in the 3rd bucket that previously contained hay (Bucket) or was empty (Control, Pipe). The calf was released and video-recorded for 30 min. Neophobia towards TMR was affected by prior experience with presentation: Bucket calves began eating TMR faster than Pipe and Control (P=0.012) and showed the fewest number of startle responses (P=0.004). Intake was similar across groups (P=0.978), suggesting this apparent neophobia was transient, but Control calves took longer to eat than Bucket (P<0.001) and Pipe (P=0.070) calves and were less likely to give up on eating to lie down instead. These results suggest that previous experience with hay improves processing ability when presented with novel TMR. Overall, response to a novel feed is affected by both early life experience, such as opportunities to process forage, and the presentation of the feed itself. Calves also appear motivated to access forage, evidenced by transient neophobia, high intake, and persistence in feeding by naïve calves.
Please see the associated research publication.
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