Cross-sectional study of the effects of disability on the mismatch of desires versus choices for transportation modes and residential location
Data files
Feb 03, 2023 version files 9.14 MB
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This data set contains the cleaned survey data, focus group transcriptions, and a readme file for this project. It is meant to further understanding of the extent to which disability may affect the choices and desires that adults in California have for transportation mode usage frequencies, activity frequencies, and neighborhood features. PII has generally been redacted.
The focus group was conducted through videoconferencing online on 2021 November 9 for 1.5 hours with 19 simultaneous participants. Another participant in the same week responded to the same questions by email. Apart from redactions of PII, the focus group has been fully transcribed.
The survey was hosted on and disseminated through Qualtrics from 2022 April through July. Rows were removed if they corresponded to ineligible participants, nonsensical responses, or logically inconsistent responses. Columns corresponding to questions that could provide PII have been redacted.
Usage notes
The survey data is a CSV file. All other files are TXT files. All can be opened using free software text editors at the very least.