Data from: The Relationship between the Southern Ocean and the Eastern tropical Pacific in unforced and forced climate model simulations
Data files
Jul 15, 2024 version files 3.09 GB
2.97 KB
3.09 GB
Oct 28, 2024 version files 8.73 GB
6.25 KB
8.73 GB
The sea surface temperature (SST) over the eastern tropical Pacific significantly influences global-mean climate feedback and may be driven in part by the SST over the Southern Ocean. Previous studies demonstrated a teleconnection from the Southern Ocean to the eastern tropical Pacific by perturbing the Southern Ocean climate. We investigate if this teleconnection holds in a fully coupled, freely running climate system using CMIP6 models. We assess the relationship between the Southern Ocean (SO) and the eastern tropical Pacific (SEP) by calculating correlations between SO and SEP SST timeseries within each model and regressions between mean SO and SEP SSTs across models. We show robust, positive SO-SEP relationships in an unforced climate using pre-industrial SSTs, in a forced climate using SST anomalies between pre-industrial and quadrupled CO2 simulations, and in the SST pattern of the forced response relative to the global-mean SST anomaly. The strength of SO-SEP correlations is positively related to the stratocumulus cloud feedback off the west coast of South America, and negatively related to ocean heat uptake in the same region. As both shortwave cloud feedback and ocean heat uptake are underestimated in climate models, understanding their effects on SO-SEP teleconnections and their interactions is crucial for determining the strength of SO-SEP teleconnection in the real world and its trustworthiness in climate model projection.
README: Data from: The Relationship between the Southern Ocean and the eastern tropical Pacific in unforced and forced climate model simulations
This dataset contains multi-model simulations (in total, 53 models are used) from CMIP6 archive that serve our analyses of finding the connections between the Southern Ocean and the eastern tropical Pacific. The original CMIP6 model outputs are downloaded from, which then went through processes that convert the monthly data to annual data and re-grid different spatial resolutions of different models to a 2.5° x 2.5° resolution. This dataset generally contains five variables (sea surface temperature, wind, wind-evaporation-SST feedback, shortwave cloud feedback, and ocean heat uptake) under three conditions (unforced pre-industrial condition, forced condition, and the pattern of the forced condition). File information in the following content is ordered in accordance with the figures in the associated article. The specific model names are hidden for concision.
Format of data file:
.nc and .txt
File Information:
Grid cell area with the same spatial resolution as all other NetCDF files. This file is used for calculating the area-weighted average.
Three-dimensional (time x latitude x longitude) sea surface temperature (SST) in unforced pre-industrial simulations, behind Fig.1.
Three-dimensional SST anomaly, behind Fig.2.
Three-dimensional SST pattern, behind Fig.3 and Fig.4.
Three-dimensional SST pattern calculated by three other methods in the same models, behind Fig.5.
"pattern_s" represents SST pattern calculated by subtraction; "pattern_r" represents SST pattern calculated by regression; "pattern_PCA" represents SST pattern calculated by PCA.
Three-dimensional surface zonal wind (uas), surface meridional wind (vas), and surface total wind (wind) in pre-industrial simulations and their anomalies, two-dimensional WES feedback-related variables in pre-industrial control simulations and using anomalies, two-dimensional radiative restoration strength in pre-industrial simulations (RS), two-dimensional shortwave cloud feedback using anomalies (CF), three-dimensional ocean heat uptake in pre-industrial simulations (OHU), and three-dimensional changes in ocean heat uptake between unforced and forced simulations (dOHU) behind Fig.6.
The two-dimensional WES feedback-related netCDF files contain five physical variables, of which the calculations are shown in Method section and are repeated here:
- In piControl files:
- WES_LH: regressing the surface upward latent heat flux (LH) from pre-industrial simulations onto normalized SST averaged over a small region in the southeast Pacific (19°S–15°S, 103°W–107°W) from pre-industrial simulations.
- WES_SST: regressing the SSTs from pre-industrial simulations onto normalized SST averaged over a small region in the southeast Pacific (19°S–15°S, 103°W–107°W) from pre-industrial simulations.
- WES_SLP: regressing the sea-level air pressure (SLP) from pre-industrial simulations onto normalized SST averaged over a small region in the southeast Pacific (19°S–15°S, 103°W–107°W) from pre-industrial simulations.
- WES_U (V): regressing the zonal (meridional) winds from pre-industrial simulations onto normalized SST averaged over a small region in the southeast Pacific (19°S–15°S, 103°W–107°W) from pre-industrial simulations.
- In pattern files:
- WES_LH: regressing the anomalous LH onto normalized SST pattern averaged over a small region in the southeast Pacific (19°S–15°S, 103°W–107°W).
- WES_SST: regressing the anomalous SSTs onto normalized SST pattern averaged over a small region in the southeast Pacific (19°S–15°S, 103°W–107°W).
- WES_SLP: regressing the anomalous SLP onto normalized SST pattern averaged over a small region in the southeast Pacific (19°S–15°S, 103°W–107°W).
- WES_U (V): regressing the anomalous zonal (meridional) winds onto normalized SST pattern averaged over a small region in the southeast Pacific (19°S–15°S, 103°W–107°W).
Wind advection in pre-industrial simulations and anomalies averaged over a box off the west coast of South America (42S-10S, 85W-70W). WES parameter in pre-industrial simulations and its change between pre-industrial and abrupt4xCO2 simulations averaged over a triangular region near the central South Pacific ((10S,180), (10S,100W), (30S,100W)). Radiative restoration strength and shortwave cloud feedback averaged over a box off the west coast of South America (35S-10S, 100W-71W), and ocean heat uptake and its changes averaged over a box off the west coast of South America (40S-15S, 82W-70W), behind Fig.7.
Version changes
10/24/2024: added variables related to wind and WES feedback, including a folder named "Wind" that contains three-dimensional surface zonal, meridional, and total wind advection for each climate model, and a folder named "WES" that contains two-dimensional WES-related variables. In addition, area-weighted average of wind and WES feedback in pre-industrial control simulations and using anomalies are included in files "Wind_wSA.txt", "dWind_wSA.txt", "WESp.txt", and "dWESp.txt".