Decision-making in dynamic, continuously evolving environments: Quantifying the flexibility of human choice
Data files
Oct 03, 2023 version files 58.24 GB
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During perceptual decision-making tasks, centroparietal EEG potentials report an evidence accumulation-to-bound process that is time locked to trial onset. However, decisions in real-world environments are rarely confined to discrete trials; they instead unfold continuously, with accumulation of time-varying evidence being recency-weighted towards its immediate past. The neural mechanisms supporting recency-weighted continuous decision making remain unclear. Here, we use a novel continuous task design to study how the Centroparietal Positivity (CPP) adapts to different environments that place different constraints on evidence accumulation. We show that adaptations in evidence weighting to these different environments are reflected in changes in the CPP. The CPP becomes more sensitive to fluctuations in sensory evidence when large shifts in evidence are less frequent, and the potential is primarily sensitive to fluctuations in decision-relevant (not decision-irrelevant) sensory input. A complementary triphasic component over occipito-parietal cortex encodes the sum of recently accumulated sensory evidence, and its magnitude covaries with parameters describing how different individuals integrate sensory evidence over time. A computational model based on leaky evidence accumulation suggests these findings can be accounted for by a shift in decision threshold between different environments, which is also reflected in the magnitude of pre-decision EEG activity. Our findings reveal how adaptations in EEG responses reflect flexibility in evidence accumulation to the statistics of dynamic sensory environments.
README: Decision-making in dynamic, continuously evolving environments: Quantifying the flexibility of human choice
This repository contains EEG and behavioural data from a study of continuous decision making in a random-dot kinteogram paradigm, in which participants aim to detect consistent periods of motion ('response periods') in background noise. Participants complete 6 blocks, each consisting of 4 conditions (different 'environments'). Each condition lasts 5 minutes. Full details of the paradigm are given in the preprint at
Description of the data and file structure
The location of data files in the repository are highlighted in bold, and the relevant MATLAB functions to load/explore the data are given in italics. Code to analyse this data is stored at our online code respository,
A. Participant information.
participantInfo.xlsx is an Excel spreadsheet that gives information about participants IDs and who is pilot, study, control. You will see that the IDs are not consecutive numbers -- this is because we always gave everyone interested in the study (and receiving participant information sheet) a number and put
them on a separate excel sheet with contact details etc (this is a separate, locked file which is not included with this dataset). The
initial participants were pilot subjects from our lab, several of whom trained themselves on their own computers and for whom we don't have
their training data (until subject 7). We also include in this spreadsheet some info on people excluded because they were unable to do
the task, and/or several which have a bad EEG channel problem that were also excluded from further analysis.
B. Behavioural and EEG data.
There are 4 folders that contain the data.
- Preprocessed data:
- Behaviour: 1 matlab file for main study and also vertical: has response info (see code) and all stimuli saved in cells (easier and
faster to read in than to do separately for each subject) (ruesseler-eeg-analysis: behaviouralAnalysis: function: read_in_behav_data_with_new_response_matrix.m)
- preprocessedData/behaviour/behav_data_all_subjs_all3.mat contains behavioural data for 28 subjects who completed the main task; 24 for whom EEG data was successfully acquired and a further 4 participants for whom there were technical issues with the data acquisition. The naming conventions of the different variables provided in these two data files are given in Appendix A.
- preprocessedData/behaviour/behav_data_all_subjs_allVertical.mat contains behavioural data for the 6 subjects who completed the task with simultaneous vertical and horizontal dot motion stimuli that were superimposed on one another. The naming conventions for these variables are similarly given in Appendix A.
- EEG: Folder for each subject with spm files containing raw eeg data for each session for LMRM = left mastoid/right mastoid as reference, downsampled to 100Hz. There are additional preprocessing steps that can be run. (ruesseler-eeg-analysis preprocessing functions: EyeblinkCopy_of_run_preprocessing_for_all_subjects)
- preprocessedData/[subjID]/LMRM/Mdspmeeg_[subjID]_sess00X_eeg.mat contains the EEG data for subject [subjID] for session [X] (of 6 sessions). This file is in SPM12 format, and has a partner [.dat] file with the same filename (all SPM12 files consist of a header .mat file and a data .dat file). The EEG data in this file is after minimal pre-processing has been performed (conversion to SPM12 format, downsampling to 100Hz, and re-referencing of the data using spm_eeg_montage to a left mastoid/right mastoid reference (hence [LMRM] is the folder name)). If you want to perform any analysis with the raw data, we suggest that you use this file (virtually any analysis can be performed with this file, except looking at high-frequency EEG responses). Note that the naming convention Mdspmeeg_ refers to the fact that the file is in SPM format, and has been downsampled and montaged. Details of the structure of these .mat and .dat files can be understood by referencing the SPM12 manual, available at
- Please note: we also have stored versions of SPM12 files from the different stages of preprocessing, en route from the raw downsampled EEG data to the results from the convolutional GLM analyses (see next point). These intermediate preprocessing files are quite large (~193GB), and so are not included in this repository. It should be possible to recreate them with the code and the methods from the paper, but please contact us directly if you think you need any of our copies of the intermediate preprocessing stages of the data.
- Behaviour: 1 matlab file for main study and also vertical: has response info (see code) and all stimuli saved in cells (easier and
faster to read in than to do separately for each subject) (ruesseler-eeg-analysis: behaviouralAnalysis: function: read_in_behav_data_with_new_response_matrix.m)
- convGLM
- convGLM/matchedEegData/LMRM/[subjID]_EEGdat.mat are files in MATLAB format, with EEG data matched to stimulus stream (for processing information, look in ruesseler-eeg-analysis repository for: run_match_of_eeg_and_stimulus_for_all_subjects.m). Note that these include two datafiles for each subject, both before and after current source density analysis (CSD) - the latter is [subjID]_csdEEGdat.mat. The naming conventions for these variables are similarly given in Appendix B.
- convGLM/betasGLMData/LMRM/[subjID]_[model_name].mat are files in MATLAB format that contain the betas for each subject for a range of different convolutional GLMs that have been applied to the data (for details of the different models, look in ruesseler-eeg-analysis for: run_convolutional_GLM_for_all_subjects.m). The naming conventions for these variables are similarly given in Appendix C.
- conventionalEEG analysis
- conventionalEEGAnalysis/LMRM/[epoching_type]_[subjID].mat EEG data that have been epoched into trials, either locked to trial start or response, and with/without CSD transform applied (for the different types of epoching, look in ruesseler-eeg-analysis for: all_subjects_create_single_trial_data.m). The naming conventions for these variables are similarly given in Appendix D.
- Note that the folder averageReference is intentionally empty, as we only include data that has been re-referenced to a left mastoid/right mastoid reference in this repository (hence the 'LMRM' naming convention throughout).
- Raw data -- removed from this repository.
- Please note: the raw data before conversion to SPM format have been removed from this repository, as Dryad has an upper limit of 300GB per repository. Most analyses should instead be possible with the "lightly preprocessed" data (see point 1), and certainly all analyses that were included in the paper. Please contact us directly if you think you need access to the raw data (~560GB).
- Training: folder for each subject with stim and behavioural folders
- Experiment: folder for each subject and subfolders for stim (MATLAB format), behaviour (MATLAB), eeg (Curry format), eye (Eyelink)
Maria Ruesseler ( and Laurence Hunt (
Appendix A: Structure of behavioural data files
The following variables are stored in the matlab files:
preprocessedData/behaviour/behav_data_all_subjs_all3.mat and preprocessedData/behaviour/behav_data_all_subjs_allVertical.mat
"All_responses" variable
all_responses is a large matrix of all responses made by allsubjects - useful for plotting psychometric functions etc:
1 = points won on current trial or for current response (correct = +3, incorrect = -3, false alarm = -1.5, missed trial = -1.5)
2 = reaction time in secs
3 = choice: 0 left, 1 right
4 = current (mean) coherence of dots
5 = choice: correct 1, incorrect 0
6 = frame on which response occured (for missed responses: 500ms after the end of response period)
7 = flag for type of response:
- 0: incorrect response during coherent motion,
- 1: for correct response during coherent motion,
- 2: response during incoherent motion,
- 3: missed response to coherent motion
8 = total number of trials per block
9 = block ID (which of 4 blocks was currently being completed)
- 1: frequent and short response periods
- 2: frequent and long response periods
- 3: rare and short response periods
- 4: rare and long response periods
10 = session id (which of 6 sessions (each session consisted of 4
11 = subject number (running number, starting with 1, used for indexing)
12 = subject ID. Corresponds to subject ID column in
"Streams" variables
Variables ending in streams are cell arrays indexed with {subject,session}(:,block). (Note that subject here = running subject number (i.e. column 11 in
- stim_streams: the actual coherence that participants saw on each frame
- stim_streams_org: what was created before the experimental session-- compare to stim_streams, below
- stim_streams: trial periods have been filled with noise after a response is made and the participant detected a trial (and thus contain the actual coherence the participant was exposed to)
- mean_stim_streams: has the mean coherence with which the stimulus was created (0 for baseline periods, 0.3,0.4,0.5 for trials)
- mean_stim_streams_org: same distinction as for stim_streams
- noise_streams: a stream of coherences generated with a mean coherence of 0 over the whole block (used to fill up remaining trial time during the experiment)
- trigger_streams: stream of triggers that were attempted to be sent at each frame for EEG recording (not relevant for behavioural analysis)
n.b. for all streams variables (except trigger_streams): values >1 are set to 1 and values <-1 are set to -1 (as motion coherence can't be greater(smaller) than 1 (-1). Note that stimulus was presented at 100Hz, in blocks of 5min --> ~30,000 frames/block.
Appendix B: Structure of files with EEG data matched to stimulus stream
The following two variables are stored in the files convGLM/matchedEegData/LMRM/[subjID]_EEGdat.mat:
- EEGdat{sessionID}{blockID}: each of these cells contains a channels*time matrix of EEG data, after the triggers have been matched so that the EEG data corresponds to the same samples in the stimulus streams
- badSamples{sessionID}{blockID}: each of these cells contains a channels*time logical index of whether the channel is marked as bad in preprocessing (1) or not (0) <br>
Appendix C: Structure of files with betas from convolutional GLM
The following variables are stored in the files convGLM/betasGLMData/LMRM/[subjID]_[model_name].mat:
- betas_subject{regressorNumber}: each of these cells contains a four-dimensional matrix with regression coefficients from the corresponding model fit: dimensions nChannels*nPeriEventTimepoints*nSessions*nBlocks. The ordering of the betas is given by continuous_RDK_set_options, which is called by run_convolutional_GLM_for_all_subjects.m in ruesseler-eeg-analysis
- chanlabels{channelNumber}: each of these cells contains the label for each of the EEG channels, using 10-20 convention
Appendix D: Structure of files with conventionally epoched EEG data
The following variables are stored in the files conventionalEEGAnalysis/LMRM/[epoching_type]_[subjID].mat
- dataAppend: a structure containing epoched data, stored in FieldTrip format, for exploratory epoch-based analyses. For details of FieldTrip format visit
Full details of dataset collection and preprocessing steps are provided in the associated manuscript (Ruesseler/Weber et al., bioRxiv 2023).
Usage notes
The relevant code to analyse this data is stored at our online code repository,
Further information and usage notes for this repository are given in the associated README document with this dataset.