Raw data from: Natural alleles at the Doa locus underpin evolutionary changes in Drosophila lifespan and fecundity
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Oct 21, 2022 version files 4.37 MB
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Evolve and resequence’ (E&R) studies in Drosophila melanogaster have identified many candidate loci underlying the evolution of ageing and life history, but experiments that validate the effects of such candidates remain rare. In a recent E&R study we have identified several alleles of the LAMMER kinase Darkener of apricot (Doa) as candidates for evolutionary changes in lifespan and fecundity. Here, we use two complementary approaches to confirm the functional role of Doa in life-history evolution. First, we used transgenic RNAi to study the effects of Doa at the whole-gene level. Ubiquitous silencing of expression in adult flies reduced both lifespan and fecundity, indicating pleiotropic effects. Second, to characterize segregating variation at Doa, we examined four candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs; Doa-1, -2, -3, -4) using a genetic association approach. Three candidate SNPs had effects that were qualitatively consistent with expectations based on our E&R study: Doa-2 pleiotropically affected both lifespan and late-life fecundity; Doa-1 affected lifespan (but not fecundity), and Doa-4 affected late-life fecundity (but not lifespan). Finally, the last candidate allele (Doa-3) also affected lifespan, but in the opposite direction than predicted.
The excel file contains all raw data presented in the main text and the supplementary material of this paper and has been ordered in different tabs for each figure separately. The methods have been described in detail in the published article and details on the raw data provided here is given in the README file.