Diurnal timing of nonmigratory movement by birds: the importance of foraging spatial scales
Data files
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Data were compiled from previously collected GPS movement datasets. We include days with 8+ h of data, and exclude migrations > 500 km long. For colonial nesting pelagic birds, we compare only days with known foraging trips.
Dataset here includes the six temporal variables used in our study, measured at the hourly and daily scale.
Usage notes
Mallon et al. 2020. Diurnal timing of nonmigratory movement by birds: the importance of foraging spatial scales. Journal of Avian Biology
The dryad repository contents include the following data:
1. Final dataset used in analysis: mallon2020_trait_data.csv
2. Original hourly data measures of several temporal variables: mallon2020_hr_data.csv
3. Original daily data measures of several temporal variables: mallon2020_day_data.csv
4. Final morphological data used in analysis: mallon2020_morpho_data.csv
Data columns of note:
active.hr = if individual is active or inactive, based on threshold defined in Mallon et al. 2020
mspeed = mean speed during active hours
n.hrs = number of location hours per day
dsunrise.min = first activity, relative to sunrise
dsunset.max = last activity, relative to sunset
midday.speed = hourly speed nearest to solar noon
prop.diel = proportion of active hours between sunrise and sunset
n.periods.activity = number of movement bouts
activity.dur = mean duration of movement bouts
r2n = maximum net squared displacement from the beginning of the day (m)
mean.r2n = mean net squared displacement from the beginning of the day (m)
median.r2n = median net squared displacement from the beginning of the day (m)
The dryad repository contents include the following scripts, for use with R 4.0.2:
1. Code necessary to create mallon2020_trait_data.csv from mallon2020_hr_data.csv and mallon2020_day_data.csv: mallon2020_trait_database.R
2. Code necessary to recreate analyses: mallon2020_results.R
2. Custom functions necessary for mallon2020_results.R: mallon2020_functions.R