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Responses from an expert elicitation of lynx viability and persistence in the continental United States

Data files

Sep 15, 2020 version files 43.93 KB


The data and code provided here is associated with an October 13-15 Lnyx expert elicitation workshop that assessed the viability and persistence of lynx in the continental United States. The expert elicitation captured the knowledge, professional judgments, and opinions of lynx experts to assess the status of, and the drivers influencing, these lynx populations. We elicited the likelihood and level of uncertainty regarding future persistence over several time frames (at years 2025, 2050, and 2100). This data was used to inform the species status assessment and providing scientific information to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service used to complete the November 2017 5-year Endangered Species Act status review which recommended that the lynx DPS be removed from the list of threatened and endangered species.