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Data on the Weather and Habitat and Representative results of qPCR and PCR

Data files

Apr 28, 2022 version files 47.90 KB
May 16, 2022 version files 676.27 KB
May 20, 2022 version files 751.87 KB


We used weather and habitat characteristics, which collected from studied 49 sampling sites, to know how those affect ranavirus infection rate in amphibian larvae of Dryophytes japonicus (Japanese tree frog), Pelophylax nigromaculatus (Black-spotted pond frog), and Lithobates catesbeianus (American bullfrog) in South Korea.

Description on the method section: To investigate the relationship between the ranavirus infection rate and habitat characteristics, we analyzed 16 habitat characteristics at each sampling location. The land cover rate (urban area, agricultural area, forest area, grass area, wetland area, bare area, hydrosphere area) within a radius of 3 km2 from the mid-sampling point was calculated on the 2020 South Korean land cover map( ). From the land cover data, greenhouse cultivation areas within agricultural areas, salt fields and tidal flat areas within wetland areas, and sea areas within hydrosphere areas were excluded during data handling because these areas are inhabitable for amphibians. Additionally, the shortest distance from the mid-sampling point to agricultural land, mountains, water bodies, and urban areas was calculated in units of 1 m. When a sampling point was located within a specific coverage area, the distance was set to 2 m. All land cover rates, distance data, and altitude values of each sampling point were calculated using QGIS (ver. 3.4.7, 2021). Furthermore, the average air temperature, lowest air temperature, highest air temperature, and average precipitation for the immediately preceding quarter, based on the sampling date of the tadpoles used in the qPCR experiment, were obtained from the local meteorological station closest to the sampling point.

We also provided the igures of representative positive qPCR results of D. japonicus (A, B) collected at Haenam, P. nigromaculatus (C, D) collected at Pohang, and L. catesbeianus (E, F) collected at Gmchoen, which showing positive ranavirus detection from the samples, and the Photographs of representative gel electrophoresis of the MCP fragment (~500bp), which confirmed the qPCR result again by sequencing the fragment (G, H) in the further study.