Typhoon effect on pelagic ecosystem
Data files
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This dataset contains data collected onboard the R/V Ocean Researcher I during the pre-typhoon (July 6–8, 2018) and post-typhoon (July 13–16, 2018) periods across transects T1 (i.e., Sts. 5, 35, and 34) and T2 (i.e., Sts. 4, 3, 2, 1, and 1A) in the southern East China Sea described in the paper: “C.-C. Chen, C.-h. Hsieh, Y.-H. Cheng, W.-J. Huang, W.-C. Chou, F.-K. Shiah, G.-C. Gong (2023). Effect of a tropical cyclone on the pelagic ecosystem of a continental shelf, Limnology and Oceanography (submitted) “. Main results of this study included fifteen figures as described in the paper, and please refer it for further details.
Raw data belonging to:
"C.-C. Chen, C.-h. Hsieh, Y.-H. Cheng, W.-J. Huang, W.-C. Chou, F.-K. Shiah, G.-C. Gong (2023). Effect of a tropical cyclone on the pelagic ecosystem of a continental shelf. Limnology and Oceanography"
"Metadata for tab ""Fig. 1"", map of sampling stations and time series data of wind speed, SST, and Chl a." Note: #ND = data not available; null = empty cell
Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark
A Station "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 34, 35, 1A" Sampling station
B Longitude Numerial oE Longitude of sampling station
C Latitude Numerial oN Latitude of sampling station
D Date+Time (wind) yr/mo/d time sampling time for wind speed
E Speed Numerial m s-1 Wind speed
F direction Numerial degree Wind direction
G Date+Time (SST) yr/mo/d time Sampling time for SST at Pengchia Islet
H SST Numerial oC sea surface temperarure at Pengchia Islet
I Date yr/mo/d Sampling time for SST in the East China Sea
J SST(satellite) Numerial oC sea surface temperature of satellite data
K SST SD Numerial oC standard deviation of sea surface temperature of satellite data
L Measured SST Numerial oC sea surface temperature of measured data
M Measured SST SD Numerial oC standard deviation of measrued sea surface temperature data
N Chl Numerial μg L-1 sea surface Chl a of satellite data
O Chl SD Numerial μg L-1 standard deviation of sea surface Chl a of satellite data
P Measued Chl Numerial μg L-1 measured sea surface Chl a dat
Q Measured Chl SD Numerial μg L-1 standard deviation of measured sea surface Chl a data
"Metadata for tab ""Fig. 2"", the integrated values of nitrate, Chl a, fugacity of CO2 (fCO2), and plankton community respiration different stations at pre- and post-typhoon periods." Note: #NA = data not available
Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark
A Transect "T1, T2" Transect line
B Station "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 34, 35, 1A" sampling station
C Pre_NO3 Numerical μM mean value of nitrate at pre-typhoon period
D Pre_Chl Numerical μg L-1 mean value of Chl aat pre-typhoon period
E Pre_fCO2 Numerical μatm mean value of fCO2 at pre-typhoon period
F Pre_CR Numerical mg C m-3 d-1 mean value of plankton CR at pre-typhoon period
G Post_NO3 Numerical μM mean value of nitrate at post-typhoon period
H Post Chl Numerical μg L-1 mean value of Chl aat post-typhoon period
I Post_fCO2 Numerical μatm mean value of fCO2 at post-typhoon period
J Post_CR Numerical mg C m-3 d-1 mean value of plankton CR at post-typhoon period
"Metadata for tab ""Fig. 3"", depth profiles of temperature and salinity along transects T1 and T2 at the pre- and post-typhoon periods." Note: #ND = data not available
Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark
A Transect "T1, T2" Trasect line
B Station "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 34, 35, 1A" sampling station
C Relative distance Numerical km The corresponding distance (= 0) starts from the most shoreward station of each transect
D Depth Numerical m sampling depth
E Pre_Temp Numerical oC water temperature at pre-typhoon period
F Pre_Sal Numerical psu salinity at pre-typhoon period
G Post_Temp Numerical oC water temperature at post-typhoon period
H Post_Sal Numerical psu salinity at post-typhoon period
"Metadata for tab ""Fig. 4"", depth profiles of nitrate and phosphate along transects T1 and T2 at the pre- and post-typhoon periods." Note: #ND = data not available
Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark
A Transect "T1, T2" Trasect line
B Station "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 34, 35, 1A" sampling station
C Pre_Ze Numerical m euphoic depth at pre-typhoon period
D Relative distance Numerical km The corresponding distance (= 0) starts from the most shoreward station of each transect
E Pre_depth Numerical m sampling depth at pre-typhoon period
F Pre_NO3 Numerical μM nitrate at pre-typhoon period
G Pre_PO4 Numerical μM phosphate at pre-typhoon period
H Post_Ze Numerical m euphoic depth at pre-typhoon period
I Post_depth Numerical m sampling depth at post-typhoon period
J Post_NO3 Numerical μM nitrate at post-typhoon period
K Post_PO4 Numerical μM phospahte at post-typhoon period
"Metadata for tab ""Fig. 5"", depth profiles of fCO2 and pH along transects T1 and T2 at the pre- and post-typhoon periods." Note: #NA = data not available
Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark
A Transect "T1, T2" Trasect line
B Station "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 34, 35, 1A" sampling station
C Pre_Ze Numerical m euphoic depth at pre-typhoon period
D Relative distance Numerical km The corresponding distance (= 0) starts from the most shoreward station of each transect
E Pre_depth Numerical m sampling depth at pre-typhoon period
F Pre_fCO2 Numerical μatm fCO2 at pre-typhoon period
G Pre_pH Numerical pH at pre-typhoon period
H Post_Ze Numerical m euphoic depth at pre-typhoon period
I Post_depth Numerical m sampling depth at post-typhoon period
J Post_fCO2 Numerical μatm fCO2 at post-typhoon period
K Post_pH Numerical pH at post-typhoon period
"Metadata for tab ""Fig. 6"", depth profiles of Chl a along transects T1 and T2 at the pre- and post-typhoon periods." Note: #ND = data not available
Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark
A Transect "T1, T2" Trasect line
B Station "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 34, 35, 1A" sampling station
C Relative distance Numerical km The corresponding distance (= 0) starts from the most shoreward station of each transect
D Depth Numerical m sampling depth
E Pre_Chl Numerical μg L-1 Chl a at pre-typhoon period
F Post_Chl Numerical μg L-1 Chl a at post-typhoon period
"Metadata for tab ""Fig. 7"", relationships between Chl a concentration versus bacteria production and fugacity of CO2 for all pooled data at the pre- and post-typhoon periods." Note: #ND = data not available
Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark
A Pre_Chl Numerical μg L-1 Chl a at pre_typhoon period
B Pre_BP Numerical mg C m-3 d-1 Bacterial production at pre_typhoon period
C Pre_fCO2 Numerical μg L-1 fCO2 at pre_typhoon period
D Post_Chl Numerical mg C m-3 d-1 Chl a at post_typhoon period
E Post_BP Numerical μmol kg-1 Bacterial production at post_typhoon period
F Post_fCO2 Numerical μatm fCO2 at post_typhoon period
"Metadata for tab ""Fig. 8"", relationships between plankton community respiration versus primary production and bacteria production for all pooled data at pre- and post-typhoon periods." Note: #ND = data not available
Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark
A Pre_CR Numerical mg C m-3 d-1 Plankton CR at pre_typhoon period
B Pre_PP Numerical mg C m-3 d-1 Primary production at pre_typhoon period
C Pre_BP Numerical mg C m-3 d-1 Bacterial production at pre_typhoon period
D Post_CR Numerical mg C m-3 d-1 Plankton CR at post_typhoon period
E Post_PP Numerical mg C m-3 d-1 Primary production at post_typhoon period
F Post_BP Numerical mg C m-3 d-1 Bacterial production at post_typhoon period
"Metadata for tab ""Fig. S!"", depth profiles of temperature at different sampling stations in pre-and post-typhoon periods." Note: #ND = data not available
Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark
A Sampling depth Numerical m sampling depth
B Pre_temp_1 Numerical oC seawater temperature at St. 1 at pre-typhoon period
C Post_temp_1 Numerical oC seawater temperature at St. 1 at post-typhoon period
D Pre_temp_1A Numerical oC seawater temperature at St. 1A at pre-typhoon period
E Post_temp_1A Numerical oC seawater temperature at St. 1A at post-typhoon period
F Pre_temp_4 Numerical oC seawater temperature at St. 4 at pre-typhoon period
G Post_temp_4 Numerical oC seawater temperature at St. 4 at post-typhoon period
H Pre_temp_3 Numerical oC seawater temperature at St. 3 at pre-typhoon period
I Post_temp_3 Numerical oC seawater temperature at St. 3 at post-typhoon period
J Pre_temp_2 Numerical oC seawater temperature at St. 2 at pre-typhoon period
K Post_temp_2 Numerical oC seawater temperature at St. 2 at post-typhoon period
L Pre_temp_34 Numerical oC seawater temperature at St. 34 at pre-typhoon period
M Post_temp_34 Numerical oC seawater temperature at St. 34 at post-typhoon period
N Pre_temp_35 Numerical oC seawater temperature at St. 35 at pre-typhoon period
O Post_temp_35 Numerical oC seawater temperature at St. 35 at post-typhoon period
P Pre_temp_5 Numerical oC seawater temperature at St. 5 at pre-typhoon period
Q Post_temp_5 Numerical oC seawater temperature at St. 5 at post-typhoon period
"Metadata for tab ""Fig. S2"", depth profiles of salinity at different sampling stations in pre-and post-typhoon periods." Note: #ND = data not available
Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark
A Sampling depth Numerical m sampling depth
B Pre_Sal_1 Numerical psu Salinity at St. 1 at pre-typhoon period
C Post_Sal_1 Numerical psu Salinity at St. 1 at post-typhoon period
D Pre_Sal_1A Numerical psu Salinity at St. 1A at pre-typhoon period
E Post_Sal_1A Numerical psu Salinity at St. 1A at post-typhoon period
F Pre_Sal_4 Numerical psu Salinity at St. 4 at pre-typhoon period
G Post_Sal_4 Numerical psu Salinity at St. 4 at post-typhoon period
H Pre_Sal_3 Numerical psu Salinity at St. 3 at pre-typhoon period
I Post_Sal_3 Numerical psu Salinity at St. 3 at post-typhoon period
J Pre_Sal_2 Numerical psu Salinity at St. 2 at pre-typhoon period
K Post_Sal_2 Numerical psu Salinity at St. 2 at post-typhoon period
L Pre_Sal_34 Numerical psu Salinity at St. 34 at pre-typhoon period
M Post_Sal_34 Numerical psu Salinity at St. 34 at post-typhoon period
N Pre_Sal_35 Numerical psu Salinity at St. 35 at pre-typhoon period
O Post_Sal_35 Numerical psu Salinity at St. 35 at post-typhoon period
P Pre_Sal_5 Numerical psu Salinity at St. 5 at pre-typhoon period
Q Post_Sal_5 Numerical psu Salinity at St. 5 at post-typhoon period
"Metadata for tab ""Fig. S3"", relationships between the potential temperature and salinity during the study period." Note: #ND = data not available
Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark
A Pre_temp Numerical oC Temperature at pre-typhoon period
B Pre_Sal Numerical psu Salinity at pre-typhoon period
C Post_Temp Numerical oC Temperature at post-typhoon period
D Post_Sal Numerical psu Salinity at post-typhoon period
E KW_Temp Numerical oC Temperature at Kuroshio waters
F KW_Sal Numerical psu Salinity at Kruoshio waters
"Metadata for tab ""Fig. S4"", the integrated values of phosphate across euphotic depth at different stations during the pre- and post-typhoon periods." Note: #ND = data not available
Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark
A Transect "T1, T2" Trasect line
B Station "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 34, 35, 1A" sampling station
C Pre_PO4 Numerical μM Phospahte concentration at pre-typhoon period
D Post_PO4 Numerical μM Phospahte concentration at post-typhoon period
"Metadata for tab ""Fig. S5"", relationship between nitrate and phosphate using all measured data at the pre- and post-typhoon periods." Note: #NA = data not available
Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark
A Pre_NO3 Numerical μM nitrate concentration at pre-typhoon period
B Post_NO3 Numerical μM nitrate concentration at post-typhoon period
C Pre_PO4 Numerical μM Phospahte concentration at pre-typhoon period
D Post_PO4 Numerical μM Phospahte concentration at post-typhoon period
"Metadata for tab ""Fig. S6"", relationship between fCO2 and temperature for all pooled data at the pre- and post-typhoon periods." Note: #ND = data not available
Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark
A Pre_Temp Numerical oC seawater temperature at pre-typhoon period
B Pre_fCO2 Numerical μatm fCO2 at pre-typhoon period
C Post_Temp Numerical oC seawater temperature at post-typhoon period
D Post_fCO2 Numerical μatm fCO2 at post-typhoon period
"Metadata for tab ""Fig. S7"", the integrated abundance of picoeukaryotes, Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, and heterotrophic bacteria across euphotic depths of different stations at pre- and post-typhoon periods." Note: #ND = data not available
Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark
A Station "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 34, 35, 1A" Sampling station
B Pre_PicoE Numerical x10^3 cells mL-1 picoeukaryotes abundance at pre-typhoon period
C Pre_Pro Numerical x10^5 cells mL-1 Prochlorococcus abundance at pre-typhoon period
D Pre_Syne Numerical x10^5 cells mL-1 Synechococcus abundance at pre-typhoon period
E Pre_BB Numerical x10^5 cells mL-1 eterotrophic bacteria abundance at pre-typhoon period
F Post_PicoE Numerical x10^3 cells mL-1 picoeukaryotes abundance at post-typhoon period
G Post_Pro Numerical x10^5 cells mL-1 Prochlorococcus abundance at post-typhoon period
H Post_Syne Numerical x10^5 cells mL-1 Synechococcus abundance at post-typhoon period
I Post_BB Numerical x10^5 cells mL-1 eterotrophic bacteria abundance at post-typhoon period
Seawater temperature, conductivity, and pressure were recorded throughout the water column with a CTD (SBE 9/11 plus, Seabird Electronics Inc., USA). Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) was measured throughout the water column using an irradiance sensor (4p; QSP-200L, Biospherical Inc., USA). Samples were collected using Teflon-coated Go-Flo bottles (20 L, General Oceanics Inc., USA) mounted on a General Oceanic Rosette® assembly (Model 10151212, General Oceanics Inc.). Seawater at each station was taken at six depths at intervals of 5 to 25 m within or less than 100 m of water column depth. Extra samples were taken at 125, 150 and/or 200 m water depth for stations with depths within 125–200 m of the water column depth. Sub-samples were taken for analyses of pH, dissolved inorganic nutrients (e.g., nitrate and phosphate), Chl a, abundances of autotrophic picophytoplankton (e.g., Synechococcus, Prochlorococcus, and picoeukaryotes), and heterotrophic bacteria. Sub-samples for onboard incubation were conducted to determine primary production, bacterial production, and plankton community respiration. The methods used to collect the hydrographic data and to analyze the aforementioned response variables followed those described by Chen et al. (doi:10.3389/fmars.2022.796187). The data has been processed by a linear regression analysis using “SigmaStat” to produce a ms accepted for publication in Limnology and Oceanography.
Usage notes
The readme file contains an explanation of each of the variables in the dataset, its measurement units. Information on how the measurements were done can be found in the associated manuscript referenced above.