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Early snow melt and diverging thermal constraints control body size in arctic-alpine spiders

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Sep 20, 2022 version files 23.98 KB


To predict species’ responses to a rapidly changing environment, it is necessary to detect current clines of life-history traits and understand their drivers. We studied body size variation, a key trait in evolutionary biology, of two arctic-alpine lycosid spiders and underlying mechanisms controlling this variation. We used long time-series data of body size sampled in Norway, augmented with museum data. Individuals of both species sampled in areas and years with longer snow-free periods grew larger than individuals in areas and years with shorter snow-free periods. Interestingly, temperatures under 0° C led to a larger body size in Pardosa palustris, while temperatures above 0 °C led to a larger body size in Pardosa hyperborea. We assume that P. palustris, as the generally larger species, is less sensitive to environmental variability and cold temperatures, because it can retain more energy than a smaller species can and, therefore, can invest more resources in its offspring. With rising temperatures, both species might profit from a higher resource availability. In a rapidly changing arctic-alpine environment, alterations in the life-history traits and adaptation strategies of spiders are expected, which, regarding body size, seem to be highly influenced by early snowmelt and diverging thermal constraints.