We studied Drosophila melanogaster populations from Europe (the Netherlands and France) and Africa (Rwanda and Zambia) to uncover genetic evidence of adaptation to cold. We present here four lines of evidence for genes involved in cold adaptation from four perspectives: (1) the frequency of SNPs at genes previously known to be associated with chill-coma recovery time (CCRT), startle reflex (SR), and resistance to starvation stress (RSS) vary along environmental gradients and therefore among populations; (2) SNPs of genes that correlate significantly with latitude and altitude in African and European populations overlap with SNPs that correlate with a latitudinal cline from North America; (3) at the genome-wide level, the top candidate genes are enriched in gene ontology (GO) terms that are related to cold tolerance; (4) GO enriched terms from North American clinal genes overlap significantly with those from Africa and Europe. Each SNP was tested in 10 independent runs of Bayenv2, using the median Bayes factors to ascertain candidate genes. None of the candidate genes were found close to the breakpoints of cosmopolitan inversions, and only four candidate genes were linked to QTLs related to CCRT. To overcome the limitation that we used only four populations to test correlations with environmental gradients, we performed simulations to estimate the power of our approach for detecting selection. Based on our results we propose a novel network of genes that is involved in cold adaptation.
Gene Ontology data
A list of ClueGO terms enriched with candidate genes for latitude, the overlap with terms enriched with candidate genes of Fabian et al. (2012), and the results of GO enrichment using Gowinda.
Inversion analysis data
Candidate genes and their distances from the breakpoints of cosmopolitan inversions.
Climate data
Climate data retrieved from the World Meteorological Organization and other environmental variables.
Bayenv2 environment file
Standardised environmental variables in file format used for the Bayenv2 analysis.
SNP data - autosomes
Genotypes of autosomal SNPs used in the analysis.
SNP chromosomal coordinates - autosomes
Each line in the file lists the chromosome (autosome) and the absolute coordinate for the SNPs used in the analysis.
SNP data - chromosome X
Genotypes of X chromosome SNPs used in the analysis.
SNP chromosomal coordinates - chromosome X
Each line in the file lists the absolute coordinates for the X chromosome SNPs used in the analysis.
Pairwise FST estimates for autosomal SNPs
A Matlab file containing 3663890 autosomal SNPs, their pairwise FST estimates, and P-values for each SNP derived from coalescent simulations.
Pairwise FST estimates for the X chromosome SNPs
A Matlab file containing 867049 X chromosome SNPs, their pairwise FST estimates, and P-values for each SNP derived from coalescent simulations.
Bayenv2 results - autosomes
A Matlab file containing the Bayes factors of 313972 autosomal SNPs, as calculated using Bayenv2. File also contains P-values for each SNP estimated from coalescent simulations, including the FDR adjustment (Benjamini and Hochberg 1995).
Bayenv2 results - chromosome X
A Matlab file containing the Bayes factors of 39304 X chromosome SNPs, as calculated using Bayenv2. File also contains P-values for each SNP estimated from coalescent simulations, including the FDR adjustment (Benjamini and Hochberg 1995).
Polygenic trait forward simulations script
A Matlab script to conduct forward simulations of multiple loci of a quantitative trait setting, and run Bayenv2 on final frequencies.
Power analysis - simulations with sel. coeff. of 0.1
A Matlab file containing data related to the power analysis. Simulations of the evolution of a polygenic trait with the multilocus selection coefficient set at 0.1 (de Vladar and Barton 2014).
Power analysis - simulations with sel. coeff. of 0.05
A Matlab file containing data related to the power analysis. Simulations of the evolution of a polygenic trait with the multilocus selection coefficient set at 0.1 (de Vladar and Barton 2014).
Demographic estimation data - s9649
A Matlab file containing data related to demographic parameter estimation by means of Approximate Bayesian Computation.
Demographic estimation data - s9481
A Matlab file containing data related to demographic parameter estimation by means of Approximate Bayesian Computation.
Demographic estimation data - s8148
A Matlab file containing data related to demographic parameter estimation by means of Approximate Bayesian Computation.
Demographic estimation data - s48101
A Matlab file containing data related to demographic parameter estimation by means of Approximate Bayesian Computation.
Demographic estimation data - s7061
A Matlab file containing data related to demographic parameter estimation by means of Approximate Bayesian Computation.
Bayes factors from Bayenv2 - all chromosomes
A Matlab file containing SNP coordinates for all 353276 SNPs and their associated Bayes factors (BFs) obtained by means of Bayenv2. Contains minimum BFs over 10 independent runs of Bayenv2, as well as median BFs that were used in the downstream analyses.
Bayenv2 intermediate file - raw BFs
An intermediate Matlab file containing raw Bayes factors from Bayenv2.
Demographic estimation data - simulated FST autosomes
A Matlab file containing FST estimated on simulated data from the demographic estimation analysis by means of Approximate Bayesian Computation. Contains autosomal SNPs.
Demographic estimation data - simulated FST chromosome X
A Matlab file containing FST estimated on simulated data from the demographic estimation analysis by means of Approximate Bayesian Computation. Contains X chromosome SNPs.
Demographic estimation data - simulated BFs autosomes
A Matlab file containing Bayes factors calculated on simulated data from the demographic estimation analysis by means of Approximate Bayesian Computation. Contains autosomal SNPs.
Demographic estimation data - simulated BFs chromosome X
A Matlab file containing Bayes factors calculated on simulated data from the demographic estimation analysis by means of Approximate Bayesian Computation. Contains X chromosome SNPs.
Demographic estimation data - summarized (autosomes)
A Matlab file with summarized data from demographic estimation analysis by means of Approximate Bayesian Computation (autosomes).
Ensembl gene IDs
A Matlab file containing Flybase (FBgn) gene IDs, their names and chromosomal locations. Retrieved from Ensembl.
Ensembl gene ontology annotation
A Matlab file containing Flybase (FBgn) gene IDs, their gene ontology annotation and chromosomal locations. Retrieved from Ensembl.
ABC rejection data - autosomes
A Matlab file containing the Approximate Bayesian Computation rejection matrix (autosomes).
ABC rejection data - X chromosome
A Matlab file containing the Approximate Bayesian Computation rejection matrix (X chromosome).
Genome annotations script
A script to generate a Matlab file with genome annotations.
Reformat FUNC GO results script
A script to reformat results from the FUNC GO analysis.
ABC rejection script
A script to apply the ABC rejection algorithm to simulated data.
ABC generate polymorphism data script
A script to generate polymorphism data from reasonable priors using coalescent simulations.
Export sets for FUNC script
A script to export gene sets for GO analysis with FUNC (Prüfer et al. 2007).
ABC simulate BFs script - autosomes
A script to simulate Bayenv2 Bayes factors from 10 best demographic simulations (autosomes).
ABC simulate BFs script - X chromosome
A script to simulate Bayenv2 Bayes factors from 10 best demographic simulations (X chromosome).
ABC simulate FSTs script
A script to simulate FST values from a given demographic model.
ABC combine ms results script
A script to gather ms simulation results into one Matlab file.
ABC apply regression script
A script to apply a weighted regression in the space of summary statistics as proposed by Beaumont et al. (2002).
ABC run ms script
A script to run Hudson's ms and return structure with haplotype matrices.
ABC summarize data script
A script to summarize data provided as a Matlab file.
ABC summarize struct. script
A script to summarize data in struct. of haplotype matrices.
ABC apply summary stats script
A script to apply summary statistics to a single haplotype matrix.
Demographic estimation data - chromosome X
A Matlab file with summarized data from demographic estimation analysis by means of Approximate Bayesian Computation (chromosome X).
Calculate aSFS script
A script to calculate the absolute site frequency spectrum from Drosophila genotypes.
Calculate aSFS from simulations script
A script to calculate the absolute site frequency spectrum from simulations.
Bayenv2 batch script
A script to initiate Bayenv2 runs.
Bayenv2 export SNPs for Cov matrix script
A script to export randomly sampled SNPs for covariance matrix generation in Bayenv2.
Bayenv2 export polymorphisms script
A script to export polymorphic SNPs for testing in Bayenv2.
Bayenv2 export independent SNPs for Cov matrix generation
A script to export a random number of equally distant SNPs for matrix generation in Bayenv2.
Bayenv2 simulation wrapper script
A script to provide Bayenv2 values for simulated frequencies given in a matrix file and environmental files.
Bayenv2 haplotypes wrapper script
A script to provide Bayenv2 values for haplotypes given in a matrix file and environmental files.
Bayenv2 matrix batch script
Bayenv2 matrix batch script, outputs bf.mat file.
Bayenv2 matlab export script - autosomes
A script to export the output of Bayenv2 into a Matlab file (autosomes).
Bayenv2 matlab export script - chromosome X
A script to export the output of Bayenv2 into a Matlab file (X chromosome).
Clean db script
A script to clean Drosophila genetic data structure.
Provide P-values for SNPs from demographic simulations
A script to provide empirical P-values for FST estimates: inputs a Matlab file with FST values and a Matlab file with demographic simulations and outputs a Matlab file including empirical P-values for individual SNPs corrected for multiple testing (Benjamini and Hochberg 1995).
Estimate pairwise FST script
A script to estimate the population pairwise FST. Inputs genotypes as a Matlab file and exports FST values as another Matlab file.
Forward simulations of polygenic traits
A script to conduct forward simulations according to de Vladar and Barton (2014) on multiple loci of a polygenic trait. Inputs the selection coefficient, the mutation rate, effect sizes of SNPs, the phenotypic optimum, initial frequencies, number of steps, and population size.
Merge country script
A Matlab script to merge country-wise and exclude populations.
Read ms output script
A script to read output from ms (Hudson et al. 2002).
Fold SFS script
A Matlab script to fold a given unfolded site frequency spectrum.
Exclude populations given in popids
A Matlab script to exclude the unwanted populations.