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Data from: Sexual selection and mate limitation shape evolution of species’ range limits

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Tschol, Maximilian; Bocedi, Greta; Reid, Jane (2024). Data from: Sexual selection and mate limitation shape evolution of species’ range limits [Dataset]. Dryad.


Understanding what processes shape the formation of species’ geographic range limits is one central objective linking ecology and evolutionary biology. One potentially key process is sexual selection; yet, theory examining how sexual selection could shape eco-evolutionary dynamics in marginal populations is still lacking. In species with separate sexes, range limits could be shaped by limitations in encountering mates at low densities. Sexual selection could therefore modulate mate limitation and resulting extinction-colonisation dynamics at range margins, through the evolution of mate encounter ability and/or mate competition traits, and their demographic consequences. We use a spatially explicit eco-genetic model to reveal how different forms of sexual selection can variably affect emerging range limits. Here, we provide simulation output of the eco-genetic individual-based model to produce article Figures 2, 3, 4, and 5.

README: Data from: Sexual selection and mate limitation shape evolution of species’ range limits

The dataset contains simulation output presented in the article: Sexual selection and mate limitation shape evolution of species’ range limits.

Data includes two types of .txt files:

  1. [Simulation Number]_Para.txt = Parameter files that specify parametrization of the model
  2. [Simulation Number]_Pops.txt = Population files that contain demographic and trait variables

Variable names explained:

Parameter names follow the description in the parameters.h file located in the Related Works section.

a) _Para.txt files

SimNr: Simulation Number or ID

rep: Replicate simulation

gen: Generation

maxK: Maximum carrying capacity at range core (see Table S1 in SI)

slopeK: Slope of the gradient in carrying capacity (see Table S1 in SI)

patch_size: Area of each subpopulation (see Table S1 in SI)

ME_Nloci: Number of diploid loci for mate encounter trait (see Table S1 in SI)

ME_intVar: initial genotypic variance for mate encounter trait (see Table S1 in SI)

ME_mean: initial genotypic mean for mate encounter trait (see Table S1 in SI)

ME_std: standard variation in mate encounter of normal distribution (translates to variance in mutational effects in Table S1 in SI)

ME_dimorphism: dimorphism in mate encounter trait; adjusts expression of trait in females: 0 = no expression, 1= the same as males

ME_mut_on: whether mate encounter trait mutates

ME_mut_prob: mutation probability of mate encounter trait

ME_upp_threshold: threshold the phenotype

MC_Nloci: Number of diploid loci for mate competition trait (see Table S1 in SI)

MC_intVar: initial genotypic variance for mate competition trait (see Table S1 in SI)

MC_mean: initial genotypic mean for mate competition trait (see Table S1 in SI)

MC_std: standard variation in mate competition of normal distribution (translates to variance in mutational effects in Table S1 in SI)

MC_dimorphism: dimorphism in mate competition trait; adjusts expression of the trait in females: 0 = no expression, 1= the same as males.

MC_mut_on: whether mate competition trait mutates

MC_mut_prob: mutation probability of mate competition trait

MC_upp_threshold: threshold the phenotype

w_ME: strength of selection (see Table S1 in SI)

optimum_ME: naturally selected optimum for mate encounter (see Table S1 in SI)

w_MC: strength of selection (see Table S1 in SI)

optimum_MC: naturally selected optimum for mate competition (see Table S1 in SI)

pre_dispersal: whether dispersal occurs before survival; 0= pre-dispersal, 1= post-dispersal

disp_cost: cost of dispersal in terms of reduced survival probability

disp_distance: mean dispersal distance on continuous space

next_neighbour: whether next neighbor dispersal occurs

max_beta: competition parameter (called alpha in Table S1 in SI)

beta_gradient: gradient in competition parameter

fecundity_cost: determines whether females bear a fecundity cost for encountering males

rec_prob: recombination probability per loci

monogamy: whether males mate only once (females always mate only once in this model)

control_types: 0 = run normal sims, 1= mate encounter probability depends on area (1/A), 2= mate encounter probability is independent of area and trait

pop_output: whether output population data

ind_output: whether output individual data

ind_interval: generation interval for individual output

sel_output: whether output selection data

b) _Pops.txt files

rep: Replicate simulation

gen: Generation

x: X coordinate

y: Y coordinate

k: Carrying Capacity

beta: Competition paramter

nf: Number of females

nm: Number of males

m_gme: mean genotypic value mate encounter

v_gme: genotypic variance value mate encounter

m_gmc: mean genotypic value mate competition

v_gmc: genotypic variance value mate competition

cov: Covariance between ME and MC

prop_funmated: Proportion of unmated females

m_emig: male emigrants per generation

f_emig: female emigrant per generation

m_imig: male immigrant individuals per generation

f_imig: female immigrant individuals per generation


Data were simulated using an eco-genetic individual-based model with the source code provided under Related Works.


Royal Society, Award: UF160614

Royal Society, Award: RGF\EA\180184

Norwegian University of Science and Technology