Data from: Manipulation of soil mycorrhizal fungi Influences floral display traits
Data files
Feb 09, 2024 version files 90.53 KB
Most plants form root hyphal relationships with mycorrhizal fungi, especially arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). These associations are known to positively impact plant biomass and competitive ability. However, less is known about how mycorrhizae may impact other ecological interactions, such as those mediated by pollinators.
We performed a meta-regression of studies that manipulated AMF and measured traits related to pollination, including floral display, rewards, visitation, and reproduction, extracting 63 studies with 423 effects.
On average, the presence of mycorrhizae was associated with positive effects on floral traits. Specifically, we found impacts of AMF on floral display, pollinator visitation and reproduction, and a positive but non-significant impact on rewards. Studies manipulating mycorrhizae with fungicide tended to report contrasting results, possibly because fungicide destroys both beneficial and pathogenic microbes.
Our study highlights the potential for relationships with mycorrhizal fungi to play an important, yet underrecognized role in plant-pollinator interactions. With heightened awareness of the need for a more sustainable agricultural industry, mycorrhizal fungi may offer the opportunity to reduce reliance on inorganic fertilizers. At the same time, fungicides are now ubiquitous in agricultural systems. Our study demonstrates indirect ways in which plant-belowground fungal partnerships could manifest in plant-pollinator interactions.
Journal name: New Phytologist
Manuscript Number: NPH-MS-2023-44535
Title: Manipulation of Soil Mycorrhizal Fungi Influences Floral Display Traits
Authors: Batoule F. Hyjazie* and Risa D. Sargent
Affiliation: Applied Biology, Faculty of Land and Food Systems, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada.
Total No. of Files: 1
File Name: AMF MS Data Set Hyjazie New Phytologist
Abstract: File contains effect sizes and study information to accompany the main manuscript
Usage Notes: See the following for an explanation of each column heading:
NA: No data provided or not applicable
Header Name | Header Description |
Effect ID | Unique ID assigned to each effect size extracted from a publication |
Study ID | Unique ID assigned to each publication |
Citation | Citation from each publication |
Floral Family | Floral family of each plant associated with a particular effect size |
Floral Species | Floral species of each plant associated with a particular effect size |
Floral Type | Floral type (crop, ornamental, wild) |
AMF Family | AMF family of each AMF associated with a particular effect size |
AMF Species | AMF species of each AMF associated with a particular effect size |
Nutrient | Nutrient supplementation (Y/N) |
Nutrient Mix | Chemical composition of nutrient supplementation |
Life_History | Life history of each plant (annual vs perennial) |
Setting | Setting of experiment (greenhouse/lab or field) |
Trait | Trait evaluated in response to AMF presence (Display, Yield, Reward, Visitation) |
Trait (Groups) | Sub-category of traits in response to AMF presence (Display: Flower Size vs Flower Number, Yield: Seed weight, seed number, fruit weight fruit number, Reward: Nectar vs pollen, Visitation: length, number of visitors) |
Inoculation vs Exclusion | AMF inoculation vs exclusion via fungicides |
M_AMF | Mean effect size for AMF presence |
M_no_AMF | Mean effect size for AMF absence |
N_AMF | Sample size for AMF presence |
N_no_AMF | Sample size for AMF absence |
SD_AMF | Standard deviation for AMF presence |
SD_no_AMF | Standard deviation for AMF absence |
SE_AMF | Standard error for AMF presence |
SE_no_AMF | Standard error for AMF absence |
Full Ref | Reference for citation |
Literature search, as described in the manuscript's main text's methods section.