Data from: The magnitude of Allee effects varies across Allee mechanisms, but not taxonomic groups
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The Allee effect is a density-dependent phenomenon in which individual fitness increases as population density increases at low population densities. Over the past few decades, a growing number of studies have identified Allee effects in populations using experimental approaches and statistical modelling techniques. These studies have investigated multiple Allee mechanisms (e.g., mate-finding, predation, resource limitation), across a range of systems and taxa (e.g., plants, vertebrates, invertebrates). This meta-analysis aims to synthesize studies that experimentally manipulated population density and measured either per capita population growth or fitness components, with the goal of determining whether the “magnitude” of the Allee effect (defined here as the correlation between population density and population growth or fitness) varies with Allee mechanism across taxonomic groups. A total of 2305 studies were screened, and 62 of these studies met our meta-analysis inclusion criteria. Within these 62 studies, 155 effect sizes encompassing 9 different Allee mechanisms were identified across 5 broad taxa. When grouped by Allee mechanism and taxa, the magnitude of the Allee effect differed across mechanisms, whereas taxonomic group was less useful at explaining variation in the magnitude of Allee effects. Of the nine Allee mechanisms identified, interspecific competition was associated with the strongest Allee effects, followed by fear, pollen limitation and mate limitation. These findings suggest that Allee effects may be more dependent on mechanism than taxa and may function similarly within different taxonomic groups. However, as the majority of experimental Allee effect studies included in this meta-analysis focused on plants and invertebrates, more research is needed on Allee effects in other taxonomic groups to confirm this conclusion. This first quantitative synthesis of Allee effect research in ecology offers novel insight into how Allee mechanisms affect the manifestation of Allee effects in populations, providing important information for ecologists and conservation managers.
Eva J. Muir, Marc J. Lajeunesse, Andrew, M. Kramer
Data for: The magnitude of Allee effects varies across Allee mechanisms, but not taxonomic groups
File list
Allee_effect_meta_analysis_code_mechanism.R – R file to run the meta-analysis models for Allee mechanism, taxa, and Allee effect type. Creates a forest plot of effect sizes (Figure 2).
Allee_effect_meta_analysis_effect_size.csv – a csv file containing the information for each study to run the meta-analysis models.
- SEARCH_ID: Serach ID (refer to Allee_effect_meta_analysis_literature.csv; WOS = Web of Science, SCO = SCOPUS, PRO= ProQuest)
- STUDY ID: Study ID (refer to Allee_effect_meta_analysis_effect_sizes.csv)
- EFFECT ID: Effect ID
- AUTHORS: Authors of original study that the data was extracted from
- YEAR: Year the original study was published
- DOI: The DOI of the study
- METHOD: Method used to calculate the effect size
- T_TEST: T value calculated from the test of quadratic significance (used to determine the method needed to calculate the effect size; NA means the data was not quadratic)
- DF: Degrees of freedom calculated from the test of quadratic significance (used to determine the method needed to calculate the effect size; NA means the data was not quadratic)
- P_VALUE: P value calculated from the test of quadratic significance (used to determine the method needed to calculate the effect size; NA means the data was not quadratic)
- N: Number of groups in the original study
- TAXA: Focal taxa of the original study
- MECHANISM: Allee mechanism identified in the original study
- ALLEE_TYPE: Allee effect type (demographic or component)
- Z: Fisher’s Z effect size
- V: Variance
Allee_effect_meta_analysis_litearture.csv – an csv containing a list of all literature screened for inclusion in the meta-analysis.
- SEARCH_ID – Search ID number (WOS = Web of Science, SCO = SCOPUS, PRO= ProQuest)
- REVIEWER – Person who reviewed the study and determined whether or not to review the study for inclusion in the meta-analysis
- INCLUDE – Decision to review the study in detail
- AUTHORS – Authors of study
- TITLE – Title of study
- YEAR – Year of publication of study
Allee_effect_meta_analysis_raw_data.xslx – an Excel workbook file containing the raw data extracted from the studies included in the meta-analysis. Each tab contains the data from one study, and the tab is named with the study ID number (refer to Allee_effect_meta_analysis_effect_sizes.csv for study IDs). The file also includes the formulas used to calculate the effect size for each study. Red cells indicate quadratic data that was removed from the analysis.
All studies manipulated density:
- DENSITY - Densities used in the experiment
- DENSITY_2 - Squared density values
- LOW - Low density treatment (to be compared to a high density treatment)
- HIGH - High density treatment (to be compared to a low density treatment)
Each study measured different response variables:
- PER CAPITA COCOON PRODUCTION - Number of cocoons produced per worm
- µ OF SEEDS - Mean number of seeds produced per flower in each floral treatment
- LARVAL SETTLEMENT - Proportion of larvae that successfully attached to substrate
- TIME TO ESTABLISHMENT - Time it took for bacteria colonies to establish
- NET DISTANCE TRAVELLED - Net distance travelled by individuals in mm
- SEEDS PER FRUIT - Number of seeds produced per fruit
- m EMBRYOS - Mean number of embryos produced per individual
- PARTURITION DATE - Number of days to reach parturition
- PROPORTION SEED SET - Proportion of flowers that produced seeds
- PROBABILITY OF EXTINCTION - Probability of a population going extinct
- m GROWTH RATE - Mean growth rate of different populations
- PERCENT LARVAL SURVIVAL - Percentage of larvae that survived in different populations
- PROPORTION SURVIVING JUVENILES - Proportion of juveniles that survived in different populations
- PROPORTION VIABLE SEEDS - Proportion of viable seeds produced by plants
- NUMBER OF EGGS PER INDIVIDUAL - Mean number of eggs produced by individuals in different populations
- PROPORTION EATEN - Proportion of individuals that died/were eaten
- NET REPRODUCTIVE RATE - Mean number of daughters produced per generation
- MEAN GROWTH - Mean population growth rate
- m OF EGGS - Mean number of eggs produced
- VISITS TO PLANT PER PLOT VISIT - Number of pollinator visits to each plant per plot visit
- VISITS TO PLANTS PER HOUR - Number of pollinator visits to each plant per hour
- VISITOR RICHNESS - Diversity of pollinators visiting each plot
- PROPORTION SURVIVAL - Proportion of individuals surviving in the population
- MEAN NUMBER OF SEEDS - Mean number of seeds produced per plant
- POPULATION GROWTH - Population growth
- m SEED SET - Mean number of seeds produced per plant
- SEED SET PER FLOWER - Mean number of seeds produced per flower
- PERCENT SEED SET - Percentage of plants that produced seeds
- PERCENT SURVIVAL - Percentage of surviving individuals in the population
- MEAN NUMBER OF GREEN FRUITS - Mean number of green fruits per flower and per plant
- PERCENT FERTILISATION SUCCESS - Percentage of gametes that were successfully fertilized
- m FERTILISATION - Mean fertilization rate
- LARVAL PER CAPITA GROWTH - Per capita population growth of larvae
- NUMBER OF SURVIVORS - Number of surviving individuals in the population
- REPRODUCTIVE SUCCESS - Number of nestlings that fledged from the nests each year
- PER FEMALE BREEDING PROB - Proportion of breeding adult females
- PER FEMALE BREEDING PRODUCTIVITY - Number of birds per adult female
- YEARLING SURVIVAL - Survival rate of yearlings
- JUVENILE SURVIVAL - Survival rate of juveniles
- ADULT SURVIVAL -Survival rate of adults
- MEAN TIME - Mean development time of larvae
- PER CAPITA BIRTH RATE - Number of births per individual
- TIME SPENT CALLING - Time spent calling for mates
- DENSITY & RELATIVE INTERACTION INDEX - Measures the intensity of facilitation between individuals
- REPRODUCTIVE OUTPUT - Number of new offspring produced over 2 weeks
- FECUNDITY - Weight of larvae
- BROODING LARVAE - Mean percentage of brooding larvae in the population
- MEAN BODY MASS - Mean body mass
- FLOWERING PLANTS - Number of flowering plants
- ACTIVE FLOWERS - Number of flowers per plant
- NEW LICE - Number of lice in the first and second infections
- FERTILISATION - Percentage of gametes successfully fertilized
- LARVAL PERIOD - Days taken for larvae to reach metamorphosis
- SEED SET - Number of seeds produced per plant
- PER CAPITA SURVIORSHIP - Number of individuals that survived parasitism
- POLLEN LIMITATION - Number of seeds produced per plant
- POPULATION GROWTH - Population growth rate
- GROWTH RATE - Increase in body size of individuals
- SETTLEMENT - Number of larvae that successfully attached to substrate
Studies were screened to determine if they met the meta-analysis inclusion criteria (an experimental manipulation of population density). Data for these studies was obtained from supplementary material or from online repositories, or it was extracted from the candidate studies either directly (from text, tables etc.) or by reverse engineering figures using Engauge Digitize software.