Habitat suitability modeling to predict the spatial distribution of cold-water coral communities affected by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
Data files
Mar 17, 2021 version files 16.52 MB
16.52 MB
This is the final habitat suitability model for Paramuricea spp. in the northern Gulf of Mexico. The raster provides the predicted habitat suitability score for each grid cell. The habitat suitability score is a relative score between 0 and 1, with 1 indicating the most suitable habitat and 0 indicating the least suitable habitat. The model was built using Maxent as a presence-only model using the following environmental variables at a scale of 12.5 m: terrain metrics (northness, eastness, topographic position index, plan curvature, and rugosity), temperature, and particulate organic carbon. The model was trained and tested using 245 spatially unique occurrences. Please see the methods section of the associated publication for full methods behind the model creation, testing, and subsequent analyses.
Usage notes
The raster is a compressed ASCII file and has a grid size of 12.5 meters and is projected to WGS 1984 UTM Zone 16. No data are indicated by -9999.