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Data from: Coyotes display minimal response to Cougar scent at experimental carcass sites

Data files

May 22, 2024 version files 929.81 KB


Interactions among predators can have cascading impacts on communities and ecosystems. These interactions often occur around carrion, where the carrion provides a food reward, but also a risk of encountering other, potentially dominant, predators. Understanding how predators balance risk and reward at carrion, and how perceived risk changes in response to carcass origins and conditions, provides valuable insight into intraguild interactions. We investigated Coyote (Canis latrans) behavior at carrion simulated as cache sites treated with Cougar (Puma concolor) scent versus carrion used as control sites to better understand how Coyotes assess risk while feeding on carrion. Coyotes displayed similar behavior between sites treated and untreated with Cougar scent, suggesting that the presence of Cougar scent did not alter perceived risk by coyotes in our study. Instead, coyote behavior responded to carcass age, elevation, and whether avian scavengers had visited the carcass. Coyotes spent more time feeding, more time on camera, and touched carcasses quicker as carcass age increased. Avian scavengers appeared to compete with Coyotes, and while the presence of avian scavengers reduced time to carcass detection by Coyotes, it also decreased time spent feeding. These results suggest that carcass condition is a more important indicator of risk and reward than the presence of dominant predator scent to Coyotes. Predator scent may be an unreliable cue of immediate predator presence. Alternatively, all carcasses may be risky because dominant predators also scavenge carrion, creating similar risk regardless of previous visitation by dominant predators. These results provide insights into predator interactions and can also inform the use of scent cues in wildlife management.