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Sequences and tree used in: Growth form is strongest predictor of algal photobiont community diversity in lichens: Dissertation chapter

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Jun 09, 2021 version files 1.58 MB


Lichens are a symbiotic assemblage containing primarily a fungal species in association with at least one photosynthetic partner. Lichens exist in a variety of growth forms and may reproduce sexually or asexually. We investigated how these variables contribute to the community diversity within the thalli of 405 lichens across a broad taxonomic range. We found that reproductive mode is not a predictor for community diversity of lichens using only algal photobionts, but that growth form is a strong predictor. Crustose lichens contain the highest photobiont diversity, foliose lichens contain an intermediate level of diversity, and fruticose lichens have the least diverse photobiont communities. We also found that lichens using cyanobacteria as photobionts decrease in diversity at higher elevations.