Data from: Differential effects of early life adversity on male and female rhesus macaque lifespan
Data files
May 31, 2024 version files 125.75 KB
Early life adversity predicts shorter adult lifespan in several animal taxa. Yet, work on long-lived primate populations suggests the evolution of mechanisms that contribute to resiliency and long lives despite early life insults. Here, we tested associations between individual and cumulative early life adversity and lifespan on rhesus macaques at the Cayo Santiago Biological Field Station using 50 years of demographic data. We performed sex-specific survival analyses at different life stages to contrast short-term effects of adversity (i.e., infant survival) with long-term effects (i.e., adult survival). Female infants showed vulnerability to multiple adversities at birth, but affected females who survived to adulthood experienced a reduced risk later in life. In contrast, male infants showed vulnerability to a lower number of adversities at birth, but those who survived to adulthood were negatively affected by both early life individual and cumulative adversity. Our study shows profound immediate effects of insults at birth on female infant cohorts and suggests that affected female adults are more robust. In contrast, adult males who experienced harsh conditions early in life showed an increased mortality risk at older ages as expected from hypotheses within the life course perspective. Our analysis suggests sex-specific selection pressures on life histories and highlights the need for studies addressing the effects of early life adversity across multiple life stages.
README: Data from: Differential effects of early life adversity on male and female rhesus macaque lifespan
This is demographic data from a visual census collected and shared by the Caribbean Primate Research Center from the University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus. These data describe the demographic and early life adversity experiences of Cayo Santiago rhesus macaques.
Data and codes reproduce the survival analyses.
Description of the data and file structure
Code files:
1-male infant survival analysis.R - These codes provide the workflow for the survival analysis of male infants.
2-female infant survival analysis.R - These codes provide the workflow for the survival analysis of female infants.
3-male adult survival analysis.R - These codes provide the workflow for the survival analysis of male adults.
4-female adult survival analysis.R - These codes provide the workflow for the survival analysis of female adults.
Data files:
infant_survivalELA22.RData - These data describe the sex, fate, and adversities at birth experienced by individuals.
mom: unique identification number of the mother of the focal individual
exit_age: age at exit through death or right censorship of focal individual
death: 1=focal individual died; 0= focal individual was right censored
new_age: age at death or age at right censorship (i.e., 1 year of age, removal). Monkeys that survived to age one were treated as censored individuals and their age was floored at 1
female: 1=focal is female; 0=focal is male
first_time_mom_1: 1=yes, the mother of the focal individual is primiparous, I.e., the individual is a firstborn offspring; 0=no
imm_mom_death: impending maternal death, 1=yes, the mother of the focal individual died within one year of the individual's birth; 0=no
hurricane_environment: 1=yes, the focal individual was born within one year of a hurricane event; 0=no
n: number of adult females present during the onset of the focal's birth season
q3density: 1=yes focal was born in birth season where ≥ 349 adult females were present; 0=no
new_imm_CAI: sum of individual adversities experienced; individuals who experienced 3+ adversities were grouped in "2+ adversity" category
adult_survivalELA22.RData - These data describe the sex, fate, and early life adversities experienced by individuals who survived to adulthood (3 years of age).
mom: unique identification number of the mother of the focal individual
age: age at exit through death or right censorship of focal individual
death: 1=focal individual died; 0= focal individual was right censored
female: 1=focal is female; 0=focal is male
n: number of adult females present during the onset of the focal's birth season
q3density: 1=focal individual was born in high density birth (≥ 349 adult females); 0=focal individual was born in regular season
seasonsib: 1=focal individual had a younger sibling that was born a consecutive season after their own birth season; 0= focal individual did not experience a competing younger sibling
Hurricane_Exp: 1=focal individual experienced a major hurricane event in their first three years of life; 0=focal individual did not experience a major hurricane event
Maternal_Loss: 1=focal individual experienced maternal loss through maternal death or permanent removal during their first three years of life;0=focal individual did not experience maternal loss through maternal death or permanent removal
first_time_mom_1: 1= focal individual had a primiparous mother, I.e., the individual is a firstborn offspring; 0=focal had an experienced mother
New_CAI: sum of individual adversities experienced; focal individuals who experienced 4+ adversities were grouped in "3+ adversity" category
Sharing/Access information
Data was shared by the Caribbean Primate Research Center, University of Puerto Rico-Medical Sciences Campus, and has no DOI.
All data was run using R Version 4.1.2.