RRphylogeography code and data
Data files
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1. One of the main goals of historical biogeography is understanding where species originated, and how climate change and ecological interactions shaped their distribution. The task is complicated by both active and passive mechanisms, including habitat tracking, the separation of species into metapopulations of variably interconnected demes, and long-distance dispersal which may all obscure the geographic signature of species origin.
2. Current historical biogeography tools use phylogenies to infer the area of origin. They work by discretizing the geographic range occupied by the species into distinct areas and then applying ancestral character estimation to identify the area occupied at speciation. These methods are powerful and can account for different modes of speciation. Yet, they are bound to assume that the discrete areas currently occupied by the species are faithful representation of their climatic and historic affiliation and ignore metapopulation structures. Still, most methods cannot take advantage from the fossil information or work with phylogenies including extinct species. Although explicit bioclimatic modeling is now possible under some implementations, these limitations are partly unresolved, which burdens the accuracy of the area of origin estimation process.
3. We present a new tool written in R, named RRphylogeography, meant to find the area of origin of species, and to locate feasible zones of contact between species throughout their history. RRphylogeography starts from the bioclimatic modelling of the species, identifies potential habitat patches occupied during speciation, and finds the habitat patches most likely to represent the area of origin or contact.
Supporting Code and Data to replicate RRphylogeography simulations and
compare them to other historical biogeography methods.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please unzip compressed files and store them as
individual folders named as the corresponding zip file. Then, gather the
RRgeo R package, supporting code files and data in the same folder. The
final “RRphylogeography code and data” folder should include:
gen3sis: folder
clim_variables: folder
occurrences_data: folder
input_mask: tiff file
Workspace: folder
R_functions: folder
RRgeo: zipped R package
Repository content:
1. Guidance vignettes (including annotated and explained code lines):
Simulation-instructions (.pdf)
RRphylogeography-routine (.pdf)
Herodotools-and-BioGeoBEARS-routine (.pdf)
Machuruku-routine (.pdf)
Machuruku-RRphylo-routine (.pdf)
2. Data (automatically loaded into the R workspace by executing the scripts):
gen3sis: part of the example data provided within the gen3sis package
which we used to simulate data to apply RRphylogeography
clim_variables: CESM1.2 and BIOME4 paleoclimatic simulations at 0,
1000, 2000, and 3000 kyrs. Each folder contains the data for individual
time bins in the form of annual and monthly precipitation (in mm),
temperature (in °C), Leaf Area Index (LAI - g*C/m^2), and Net Primary
Productivity (NPP - g*C/m^2) in tif format.
occurrences_data: occurrence data per simulation and speciation type
formatted to run ENphylo_modeling (.RDA). In each file, a list of
data.frame per species, containing its occurrences in binary format
(ones for presence, zero for background points) along with the
explanatory continuous climatic variables (after Variance Inflation
Factor selection) and the time bin where the occurrences fall.
input_mask: raster file including the study area at 0.5*0.5 grid
resolution (.tiff)
Workspace: R workspace including the result of Variance Inflation Factor
selection on climatic variables (vif_RR.RData).
3. R_functions (.R)
Auxiliary functions (automatically loaded into the R workspace by
executing the scripts). Modified versions of the EcoPast functions
“occ.desaggregation.RASTER” (used to remove duplicated points falling
into the same raster cell) and “fix.coastal.points” (used to shift
points to the nearest non-NA cell of a base raster within a maximum
distance) to deal with SpatRaster class objects. EcoPast is available
at: https://github.com/francesco-carotenuto/EcoPast/tree/master
4. Package ‘RRgeo’
The package including RRphylogeography and ENphylo suite of functions.
5. RRphylogeography_supplementary_information (.docx)
Supplementary methods and results
6. Appendix_Dataset_1 (.xlsx)
Raw occurrence data for polar and brown bears. Each occurrence is
detailed with its geographical coordinates, locality name, radiometric
age and uncertainty.
Literature overview and simulations (the data), R coding (the software)