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Data for: Evolutionary history limits species' ability to match color sensitivity to available habitat light

Data files

May 03, 2022 version files 70.31 KB


The spectrum of light that an animal sees – from ultraviolet to far red light – is governed by the number and wavelength sensitivity of a family of retinal proteins called opsins. It has been hypothesized that the spectrum of light available in an environment influences the range of colors that a species has evolved to see. However, invertebrates and vertebrates use phylogenetically distinct opsins in their retinae, and it remains unclear whether these distinct opsins influence what animals see, or how they adapt to their light environments. Systematically utilizing published visual sensitivity data from across animal phyla, we found that terrestrial animals are more sensitive to shorter and longer wavelengths of light than aquatic animals, and that invertebrates are more sensitive to shorter wavelengths of light than vertebrates. Controlling for phylogeny removes the effects of habitat and lineage on visual sensitivity. Closed and open habitat terrestrial species have similar spectral sensitivities when comparing across the Metazoa, and deep water animals are more sensitive to shorter wavelengths of light than shallow water animals. Our results suggest that animals do adapt to their light environment, however the invertebrate-vertebrate evolutionary divergence has limited the degree to which animals can perform visual tuning.