Ancient oceanic archipelagos of similar geological age are expected to accrue comparable numbers of endemic lineages with identical life history strategies, especially if the islands exhibit analogous habitats. We tested this hypothesis using marine snails of the genus Conus from the Atlantic archipelagos of Cape Verde and Canary Islands. Together with Azores and Madeira, these archipelagos comprise the Macaronesia biogeographic region and differ remarkably in the diversity of this group. More than 50 endemic Conus species have been described from Cape Verde whereas prior to this study, only two non-endemic species, including a putative species complex, were thought to occur in the Canary Islands. We combined molecular phylogenetic data and geometric morphometrics with bathymetric and paleoclimatic reconstructions to understand the contrasting diversification patterns found in these regions. Our results suggest that species diversity is even lower than previously thought in the Canary Islands, with the putative species complex corresponding to a single species, Conus guanche Lauer, 1993. One explanation for the enormous disparity in Conus diversity is that the amount of available habitat may differ, or may have differed in the past due to eustatic (global) sea level changes. Historical bathymetric data, however, indicated that sea level fluctuations since the Miocene have had a similar impact on the available habitat area in both Cape Verde and Canary archipelagos and therefore do not explain this disparity. We suggest that recurrent gene flow between the Canary Islands and West Africa, habitat losses due to intense volcanic activity in combination with unsuccessful colonization of new Conus species from more diverse regions, were all determinant in shaping diversity patterns within the Canarian archipelago. Worldwide Conus species richness follows the well-established pattern of latitudinal increase of species richness from the poles towards the tropics. However, the eastern Atlantic revealed a striking pattern with two main peaks of Conus species richness in the sub-tropical area and decreasing diversities towards the tropical western African coast. A Random Forests (RF) model using 12 oceanographic variables suggested that sea surface temperature (SST) is the main determinant of Conus diversity either at continental scales (eastern Atlantic coast) or in a broader context (worldwide). Other factors such as availability of suitable habitat and reduced salinity due to the influx of large rivers in the tropical area also play an important role in shaping Conus diversity patterns in the western coast of Africa.
Data from: Evolution at a different pace: Distinctive phylogenetic patterns of cone snails from two ancient oceanic archipelagos
Combined data file: One fragment obtained with the universal primers 16Sar-L and 16Sbr-H (Palumbi, 1996), amplified a 472-base pair (bp) of the 16S rRNA gene in 115 specimens. The other fragment was obtained using C. guanche specific primers and amplified a 777-bp portion of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 (NADH4) mitochondrial gene in 143 specimens. Additionally, a partial fragment (505 bp) of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS1) of nuclear-encoded ribosomal DNA was amplified in 129 specimens using C. guanche specific primers.
Data from: Evolution at a different pace: Distinctive phylogenetic patterns of cone snails from two ancient oceanic archipelagos
Mitochondrial fragment of 2,044 bp. This fragment includes the 3’ end of the 12S rRNA, the complete tRNA-Valine (Val), the 5’ portion of the 16S rRNA, and a partial sequence of the cytochrome b gene - cyt b
Data from: Evolution at a different pace: Distinctive phylogenetic patterns of cone snails from two ancient oceanic archipelagos
S1- List of specimens of Conus guanche used in this study, sampling sites and island/country. Voucher numbers for Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle specimens are included in the associated ReadMe (S1_dryad.48s53). S2- Selected points for capturing the shape of the shell and each radular tooth of Conus guanche. S4- Selected points for capturing the shape of each radular tooth of Conus guanche. (a) Average Pairwise Procrustes distances within groups of specimens of Conus guanche defined by locality, based on shell morphometry; (b) Pairwise Procrustes distances between groups defined by locality, based on shell morphometry of Conus guanche; (c) Average Pairwise Procrustes distances within groups of specimens of Conus guanche defined by locality, based on radula morphometry; (d) Pairwise Procrustes distances between groups defined by locality, based on radula morphometry of Conus guanche. S6- Selected variables and their importance (in %) obtained with the Random Forests (RF) model used to evaluate their effect on Conus diversity. (a) worldwide; (b) along the West African coast.
S1_S2_S4_S6_Supplem mat_Tables.xlsx
Data from: Evolution at a different pace: Distinctive phylogenetic patterns of cone snails from two ancient oceanic archipelagos
(a) Canonical variate analysis (CVA) of the shape of the shell of 92 specimens from 6 populations of Conus guanche considering sample location (island/continent) as grouping factor. Deformation grids of the 2D scatter plots of the CVA are shown. CV1 represents the increase of the spire height with the concomitant ascent of the point markings the maximum width of the shells. CV2 represents the lowering of the spire height and the enlargement of the aperture of the shell;
S3a_Supplem mat_CVA_shell.pdf
Data from: Evolution at a different pace: Distinctive phylogenetic patterns of cone snails from two ancient oceanic archipelagos
(b) CVA of the shape of 84 radular teeth of 42 specimens from 6 populations of Conus guanche considering sample location as grouping factor. The 2D scatter plots of the CVA and the corresponding deformation grids are shown. CV1 represents the relative shortening of the radular tooth along the middle point of its axis. CV2 represents the shortening of the anterior portion and the increase of the width of the shaft of the radular tooth. The numbers in the shell and radular tooth represent landmarks and semilandmarks used in geometric morphometric analyses (see further details in Supplementary material_S2).
S3b_Supplem mat_CVA_radula.pdf
Data from: Evolution at a different pace: Distinctive phylogenetic patterns of cone snails from two ancient oceanic archipelagos
Phylogenetic relationships of Conus guanche based on Bayesian inference analysis of mitochondrial (NADH4 and 16S rRNA) and nuclear (internal transcriber spacer ITS1) sequence data using MRBAYES. Numbers above and below the nodes represent Bayesian posterior probabilities and ML bootstrap proportions, respectively.
S5_Supplem mat_BIguanche.pdf
Data from: Evolution at a different pace: Distinctive phylogenetic patterns of cone snails from two ancient oceanic archipelagos
Worldwide Conus diversity. Data from NatureServe and IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) 2012. Cone snails. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.2. Downloaded on 05/03/2014.
S7_Supplem mat_Conus worlwide div.pdf
Data from: Evolution at a different pace: Distinctive phylogenetic patterns of cone snails from two ancient oceanic archipelagos
Worldwide sea surface temperature variation. The scale represents temperature (ºC). Latitudes and longitudes are shown.
S8_Supplem mat_sst worlwide.pdf