Analogous above- and belowground traits for twelve boreal tree species
Data files
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It is heavily debated whether analagous aboveground and belowground traits are coordinated. Here, we collected trait data (above- and belowground) for twelve boreal forest tree species to assess trait coordination in leaves and roots. We find only partial evidence for above-belowground coordination for "fast-slow economic traits", such that N content and dry matter content were positively correlated with each other. However, root dry matter content and leaf N had no significant relationship. For reseource acquisition traits we found no strong evidence for trait cordination, as specific root length and specific leaf area were not positively correlated.Site explained little of the total trait variation, whereas within-site variation contributed substantially to the total trait variation for a large number of traits, more so for morphological root traits than leaf traits.
README: Analogous above- and belowground traits for twelve boreal tree species
Description of the data and file structure
The data were collected at two sites within Sweden (one northern and one central site). In this dataset, the northern site is Vindeln (abbreviated "VI") and the central site was located in Garpenberg (abbreviated "GA"). Each site consisted of 3 blocks each with plots consisting of monocultures of twelve different species. Six species were common between the two sites. In the dataset, the species are Pinus contorta (CO), Pseudotsuga menziesii (DO), Picea abies (SP), Larix sibirica (LS), Betula pendula (BI), Pinus sylvestris (PN), Larix sp. (LH), Picea glauca (WS), Picea mariana (PM), Abies lasciocarpa (AL), Abies sibirica (AS), and Pinus banksianna (PB). The measured traits and their units are leaf carbon content (C_Leaf; %); leaf nitrogen content (N_Leaf; %); specific leaf area (SLA; cm2 g-1); leaf dry matter content (LDMC; g g-1); leaf carbon to nitrogen ratio (CN_Leaf); average root diameter (AD; mm); root nitrogen content (N_Root; %); specific root area (SRA; cm2 g-1); specific root length (SRL; cm g-1); root carbon content (C_Root; %); root carbon to nitrogen ratio (CN_Root), and root dry matter content (RDMC; g g-1).