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Larval zebrafish H2B bulk spectral sensitivity

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Jan 08, 2021 version files 343.52 MB


The encoding of light increments and decrements by separate On- and Off- systems is a fundamental ingredient of vision, which supports edge detection and makes efficient use of the limited dynamic range of visual neurons. Theory predicts that the neural representation of On- and Off-signals should be balanced, including across an animals’ visible spectrum. Here we find that larval zebrafish violate this textbook expectation: in the zebrafish brain, UV-stimulation near exclusively gives On-responses, blue/green stimulation mostly Off-responses, and red-light alone elicits approximately balanced On- and Off-responses. We link these findings to zebrafish visual ecology, and suggest that the observed spectral tuning boosts the encoding of object “colourfulness”, which correlates with object proximity in their underwater world.