Data from: Morphological and phylogenetic evidences unveil a novel species of Gyroporus (Gyroporaceae, Boletales) from Indian Himalaya
Data files
Jul 24, 2017 version files 5.69 MB
Fig. 6-Supplementary.jpg
Fig. 7-Supplementary.jpg
Repeated macrofungal forays to East district of Sikkim followed by morphological and phylogenetic studies of collected wild mushrooms revealed an undescribed species, proposed here as Gyroporus paramjitii. This species is featured with hemispheric to plane dark brown to brownish orange pileus, concolorous or darker stipe, snow white to pale yellow pore surface which is immutable when bruised, 2- to 4-spored basidia, reniform to elliptic basidiospores, presence of pleurocystidia and cheilocystidia, absence of caulocystidia, trichoderm pattern of pileipellis and stipitipellis with encrusted erect hyphal elements and occurrence under Castanopsis sp. Macro- and micromorphological details coupled with phylogenetic analyses (based on nrITS and nrLSU data) are presented for this taxon.