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Data from: Condition-dependent begging elicits increased parental investment in a wild bird population

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Dec 28, 2018 version files 33.16 KB


The resolution of parent-offspring conflict has long been thought to involve offspring need driving begging and parental care, leaving other hypotheses underexplored. In a population of wild birds, we tested experimentally whether begging serves as a negatively condition-dependent signal of need or a positively condition-dependent signal of quality. Across multiple years, we food-supplemented nestling house wrens shortly after hatching, and simultaneously manipulated corticosterone levels to simulate the hunger-induced increase in glucocorticoids thought to mediate begging. This allowed us also to test whether begging is simply a proximate signal of hunger. Days after supplementation ended, food-supplemented nestlings were in better condition than non-supplemented nestlings and begged for food at an increased rate; their parents, in turn, increased provisioning to a greater extent than parents of non-supplemented young, as begging positively predicted provisioning. Food-supplemented nestlings, therefore, attained above-average condition, which predicted their recruitment as breeding adults in the local population. Glucocorticoids increased begging in the short-term, but this transient effect depended on nestling satiety. Thus, glucocorticoids promoted begging as a proximate response to hunger, whereas the longer-term changes in nestling condition, begging, and food provisioning suggest that begging ultimately signals offspring quality to elicit increased parental allocation, thereby enhancing offspring survival.