Data from: Katian (Late Ordovician) trilobites of the North Qilian Mountains and their palaeogeographical implications for the Proto-Tethys Archipelagic Ocean (PTAO)
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Trilobites from the middle Koumenzi Formation (Katian, Upper Ordovician) of the North Qilian Mountains, Menyuan, northeastern Qinghai Province are systematically documented for the first time. The fauna consists of five families, seven genera and seven species, amongst which one is new (Remopleurides zhangi sp. nov.), showing a close relationship to those of the Kazakh terranes (such as Chu-Ili terrane, Chingiz-Tarbagatai area and KNNTS (Karatau-Naryn and North-Tien Shan Microcontinents)), North China and Laurentia palaeoplates during the Katian (Late Ordovician). The cluster and Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling analyses of the Middle–Late Ordovician (late Darriwilian–Katian) trilobite faunas with 299 genera or subgenera from 46 horizons of 37 areas, provide valuable information for the palaeogeographical reconstruction of the Proto-Tethys Archipelagic Ocean (PTAO) of this interval. The Qilian terrane and adjacent areas are essential components of the PTAO, some of which include the Qilian terrane (QT), the North Qilian Mountains area (NQ), the Altun faulted terrane (AFT), the Hexi Corridor area (HX) and the East Qinling terrane (EQT). Their relative positions within the PTAO are inferred by the palaeobiogeography of trilobite faunas. Based on further discussions on the spatiotemporal distribution of those faunas, the Pliomerina and/or Sinocybele Province of the Middle–Late Ordovician (late Darriwilian–Katian) age is defined as a trilobite faunal province of the PTAO. Moreover, a distinct faunal subprovince, essentially comprised of the South China Palaeoplate and its neighbours (e.g. Tarim, Annamia, Sibuma, East Qinling, Turkestan-Alai and probably Talesh), might be surrounded by the equatorial cold-water tongue.
- Title of Dataset: Data from: Katian (Late Ordovician) trilobites of the North Qilian Mountains and their palaeogeographical implications for the Proto-Tethys Archipelagic Ocean (PTAO).
- Author Information. Wei, Xin, Chinese Academy of Sciences,; Luan, Xiaocong, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Zhang, Yuchen, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Yan, Guanzhou, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Zhan, Renbin, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
- Date of data collection (2018-08-15).
- Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Award: 41972011,41972015,42072005,42072007,42102130; Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Award: XDB26000000; State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy (Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, CAS): 213123.
- Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication.
- Links to publications that cite or use the data: Wei, X., Luan, X.-C., Zhang, Y.-C., Yan, G.-Z. and Zhan, R.-B. 2023. Katian (Late Ordovician) trilobites of the North Qilian Mountains and their palaeogeographical implications for the Proto-Tethys Archipelagic Ocean (PTAO). Papers in Palaeontology.
- Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: None
- Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: No.
- Was data derived from another source? yes/no No.
- Recommended citation for this dataset: Wei, X., Luan, X. C., Zhang, Y. C., Yan, G. Z. and Zhan, R. B. 2023. Data from: Katian (Late Ordovician) trilobites of the North Qilian Mountains and their palaeogeographical implications for the Proto-Tethys Archipelagic Ocean (PTAO). Dryad Digital Repository.
- File List: Data 1.
- Relationship between files, if important: Only 1 file of this dataset.
- Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: No.
- Are there multiple versions of the dataset? yes/no No.
- Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: To investigate the palaeogeographical significance of a new trilobite fauna in the reconstruction of the ProtoTethys Archipelagic Ocean, 299 genera or subgenera of roughly late Middle to early Late Ordovician age were selected, and their presence or absence from 46 horizons in 37 geographical areas was determined. The data were collected from published papers and monographs.
- Methods for processing the data: The data have not been processed by any method.
- Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: No specific information needed to interpret the data.
- Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: None
- Environmental/experimental conditions: None
- Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: None
- People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Wei, Xin; Yan, Guanzou.
- Number of horizons: 46
- Number of genera and subgenera: 299
- Variable List: '0' indicates presence, '1' indicates absence for each genus (or subgenus) in each horizon.
- Abbreviations (and stratigraphic stages) for the 46 late DarriwilianKatian horizons included: Stages: Dw, Darriwilian; Sa, Sandbian; Ka, Katian. Terranes: NQ-2, North Qilian Mountains (Ka); NQ-1, North Qilian Mountains (Dw3Sa); QT, Qilian terrane (SaKa); AFT, Altun faulted terrane (Dw3Sa); HX, Hexi Corridor (Dw3Sa); ST, Stepnyak terrane (Ka1); CI-1, Chu-Ili terrane (Dw3); CI-2, Chu-Ili terrane (SaKa1); CI-3, Chu-Ili terrane (Dw3Ka); CT, Chingiz-Tarbagatai terrane (Sa2Ka1); TAD, Turkestan-Alai Domain (SaKa1);TD, Talesh Domain (Sa2Ka1); EQL, East Qinling terrane (Ka34); KP-1, Kalpin of Tarim (Dw3Sa1); KP-2, Kalpin of Tarim (Ka1); BC, Bachu of Tarim (Ka1); KA, Kuruktag of Tarim (Sa); HH, Yellow River of North China (Dw3Sa1); CD, Chedao of North China (SaKa1); PL, Pingliang of North China (Dw3Sa1); MTB, Middle Tianshan-Beishan (SaKa1); YC-1, Yichang of South China (Dw3Sa); YC-2, Yichang of South China (Ka1); TY-1, Taoyuan of South China (Dw3Sa); TY-2, Taoyuan of South China (Ka1); BS, Baoshan of Sibuma (SaKa3); SA, Satun of Sibuma (SaKa1); NSW, New South Wales of Australia (O3); TA, Tasmania of Australia (SaKa3); PT, Precordillera terrane (Sa); TP-1, Taimyr Peninsula of Siberia (SaKa1); TP-2, Taimyr Peninsula of Siberia (Ka24); AA, Anti-Atlas of Morocco (SaKa2); IA, Iberia (Dw3Sa1); FM, Faraghan Mountains (Ka23); UAE, United Arab Emirates (Ka13); TT-1, Taurides terrane of southeastern Turkey (Sa2Ka1); TT-2, Taurides terrane of southeastern Turkey (Ka23); AW-1, Anglo-Welsh of Avalonia (Dw3Sa1); AW-2, Anglo-Welsh of Avalonia (SaKa1); OA, Oslo of Baltica (Ka23); JA, Jmtland of Baltica (Dw3Sa1); IAB, Ingria of Baltica (Dw3Ka1); MAK, Missouri of Laurentia (Ka1); MAS, Mackenzie of Laurentia (Sa1); NY, New York of Laurentia (Dw3Sa1).