Data from: Early Cretaceous cyclostome bryozoans from the early to middle Albian of the Glen Rose and Walnut formations of Texas, USA
Data files
Aug 21, 2018 version files 254.90 KB
Aug 21, 2018 version files 173.05 KB
The Glen Rose and Walnut formations of southcentral and northcentral Texas comprise shallow-water carbonates deposited during the late Aptian to middle Albian on a carbonate platform. The formations are famous for their rich fossil faunas. Although bryozoans are absent in late Aptian sediments, they are frequently found encrusting bivalve shells from the early to middle Albian parts of these formations. Here, we describe the cyclostome bryozoan fauna, which includes six species; Stomatopora sp., Oncousoecia khirar n. sp., Reptomultisparsa mclemoreae n. sp., Hyporosopora keera n. sp., Mesonopora bernardwalteri n. sp. and ?Unicavea sp. Most cyclostomes are found encrusting rudist shells from Unit 2 of the Lower Member of the Glen Rose Formation and units 3 and 6 of the Upper Member of the Glen Rose Formation.