CABO forest inventory survey data: Canopy-level spectra, species abundances, and environmental conditions
Data files
Apr 02, 2024 version files 128.79 MB
This dataset contains the forest inventory survey data as aqcuired by airborne imaging spectroscopy (i.e., continuum removed spectral reflectance) and field inventory surveys (i.e., relative species abundance) for 65 field plots along a temperate-to-boreal forest gradient in southern Québec, Canada. Additionally, it contains plot-level average environmental variables (e.g., elevation, slope, etc.) and species-mean foliar traits. This data supports the manuscript titled "Linking aerial hyperspectral data to canopy tree biodiversity: An examination of the spectral variation hypothesis" in press at Ecological Monographs (ID: ECM23-0177) and accompanying code (Crofts 2024) is archieved on Zenodo (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10735410). Please refer to the methods section of the associated paper for methodological details, with additional details available at (doi: 10.17504/ This data was aqcuired as a part of the Canadian Airborne Biodiversity Observatory (CABO; and has the licence Creative Commons by Attribution (cc-by). Note: this dataset is also published of EcoSiS (
README: CABO Canopy-Level Spectra from Forest Sites
This dataset contains the forest inventory survey data as acquired by airborne imaging spectroscopy (i.e., continuum removed spectral reflectance) and field inventory surveys (i.e., relative species abundance) for 65 field plots along a temperate-to-boreal forest gradient in southern Québec, Canada. Additionally, it contains plot-level average environmental variables (e.g., elevation, slope, etc.) and species-mean foliar traits. This data supports the manuscript titled "Linking aerial hyperspectral data to canopy tree biodiversity: An examination of the spectral variation hypothesis" in press at Ecological Monographs (ID: ECM23-0177). In which, we first examine the degree of association between spectral and field-based dimensions of canopy tree composition and diversity and, second, we ask whether the relationships between field-based community properties and the environment are reproduced when using spectral community properties. We found support for the spectral variation hypothesis with the strength of association generally greater for the functional than taxonomic dimension, but the strength of relationships was highly variable and dependent on of the choice of method or metric used to quantify spectral and field-based community properties. For predicting canopy tree composition and diversity using environmental variables, the same qualitative conclusions emerge when using hyperspectral data or field-based data.
Description of the data and file structure
File List:
1. CABO_forests_spectra_BD_metadata.csv
2. CABO_forests_spectra_BD_dataset.csv
3. CABO_forests_plot_metadata.csv
4. CABO_forests_plot_vegetation_dataset.csv
5. CABO_forests_plot_envr_dataset.csv
6. CABO_forests_species_mean_traits.csv
Description of Data:
CABO_forests_spectra_BD_metadata.csv | |
spectra_BD_id | Unique identifier for each spectral point contained within the dataset (joins with CABO_forests_spectra_BD_dataset.csv) |
site | The study site the spectral data was acquired (Categorical; 2 levels: Mont Mégantic = MtMeg-1 and Mont-St-Bruno = MSB-forest-crew) |
plot_id | Unique numeric identifier for each plot (joins with CABO_forests_plot_metadata.csv, CABO_forests_plot_vegetation_dataset.csv, and CABO_forests_plot_envr_dataset.csv) |
plot_field_id | Unique text identifier for each plot (joins with CABO_forests_plot_metadata.csv, CABO_forests_plot_vegetation_dataset.csv, and CABO_forests_plot_envr_dataset.csv) |
instrument_model | Imaging spectrometer used to acquire spectral data (Categorical; 2 levels: CASI-1500 and SASI-640) |
instrument_manufacturer | The company that manufactured the imaging specrometers used |
instrument_type | The type of imaging spectrometer used to acquire the spectral data (Categorical; 2 levels: CASI-1500 = VNIR_pushbroom and SASI-640 = SWIR_pushbroom) |
acquisition_method | The unit in which the spectral data was acquired, here all spectral data are at the pixel-level |
sample_platform | The platform type on which the imaging spectrometers were mounted, here it is an aircraft |
sample_platform_details | The sample_platform specifics, here it is a Twin Otter fixed-wing aircraft. |
flightline | The flightline name associated with the spectral data (Categorical; 11 levels) |
acquisition_date | The date the spectral data was acquired (DateTime; DD/MM/YYYY) |
x | The projected latitude of the spectral data, unit is meters (m) |
y | The projected longitude of the spectral data, unit is meters (m) |
xy_projection_ESPG | The coordinate system (ESPG) used for the spectral data (i.e., 'x' and 'y'). |
spectra_measurement_quantity | The type of spectra data, here Continuum Removed Reflectance |
spectra_measurement_ | The units the spectral data is expressed as, here Band Depth |
spectra_processing_ | Describes whether the spectral data is averaged (Boolean; not averaged = NO, averaged = YES) |
spectra_processing_ | Describes whether the spectral data was interpolated between channels (Boolean; not interpolated = NO, interpolated = YES) |
spectra_processing_ | Describes whether the spectral data is resampled (Boolean; not resampled = NO, resampled = YES) |
spectra_processing_ | Briefly describes how the spectral data was post-processed |
theme | The context in which the spectral data was applied, here it is ecology |
ecosystem_type | The type of ecosystem the spectral data was acquired over, here it is forest ecosystems |
project | The title of the project that the spectral data was applied, here CABO_QC_Forests_SVH |
organization | The name of the research organization which conducted the study, here CABO |
author | The authors that created the dataset, here Crofts et al. |
contact | The contact email for the maintainer of the dataset |
associated_DOI | The doi of associated R scripts |
CABO_forests_spectra_BD_dataset.csv | |
spectral_BD_id | Unique identifier for each spectral point contained within the dataset (joins with CABO_forests_spectra_BD_metadata.csv) |
454.2 | The band depth value at wavelength 454.2 nm (NA values represent wavelengths sampled by one but not the other imaging spectrometer; CASI-1500: 454.2 – 1059.08, SASI-640: 972.5 – 2412.5) |
… | |
2412.5 | The band depth value at wavelength 2412.5 nm (NA values represent wavelengths sampled by one but not sampled by the other imaging spectrometer; CASI-1500: 454.2 – 1059.08, SASI-640: 972.5 – 2412.5) |
CABO_forests_plot_metadata.csv | |
site | See variable descriptions above (joins with CABO_forests_spectra_BD_metadata.csv, CABO_forests_plot_vegetation_dataset.csv, and CABO_forests_plot_envr_dataset.csv) |
… | |
plot_field_id | |
plot_lat | The latitude of plot centers |
plot_long | The longitude of plot centers |
plot_horizontal_accuracy_m | The horizontal accuracy of plot locations, unit is meters (m) |
plot_projection_ESPG | The coordinate system (ESPG) used for the plot locations (i.e., 'plot_lat' and 'plot_long') |
plot_shape | The shape of plots, here it is circular |
plot_radius | The radius of plots |
vegetation_survey | Describes whether the vegetation within plots was surveyed (Boolean; not surveyed = NO, surveyed = YES) |
vegetation_survey_date | The date that the vegetation survey was conducted (DateTime; YYYY-MM-DD) |
vegetation_survey_quantify | The level of vegetation survey data, here it is Plot-level Relative Abundance as Viewed from Above |
vegetation_survey_units | The units of the plot survey data, here it is percent (%) |
tree_species_richness | The number of unique tree species observed (count) |
trees_observed_n | The number of individual trees observed (count) |
envr_predictors | The type of environmental predictor variables quantified, here it is Topographic Variables |
envr_predictors_quantity | The level of environmental predictors, here it is Plot-level averages. |
envr_predictors_information | The source of environmental predictor data, here it is Derived from DTM/TWI products |
project | See variable descriptions above |
… | |
contact | |
associated_DOI | The doi of associated protocol |
associated_DOI_2 | The doi of associated R scripts |
CABO_forests_plot_vegetation_dataset.csv | |
site | See variable descriptions above (joins with CABO_forests_spectra_BD_metadata.csv, CABO_forests_plot_metadata.csv, and CABO_forests_plot_envr_dataset.csv) |
plot_id | |
plot_field_id | |
Abies.balsamea.. | The relative species abundance of Abies balsamea, unit is percent (%) |
… | |
Ulmus.rubra.Muhlenberg | The relative abundance of Ulmus rubra, unit is percent (%) |
CABO_forests_plot_envr_dataset.csv | |
site | See variable descriptions above (joins with CABO_forests_spectra_BD_metadata.csv, CABO_forests_plot_metadata.csv, and CABO_forests_plot_envr_dataset.csv) |
plot_id | |
plot_field_id | |
elevation | The plot-level average elevation, unit is meters above sea level (m a.s.l.) |
slope | The plot-level average slope, unit is in degrees (°) |
roughness | The plot-level average surface roughness, unit is in meters (m) |
northness | The plot-level average of the aspect expressed linearly as cos(aspect), where 1 is north and -1 is south |
Eastness | The plot-level average of the aspect expressed linearly as sin(aspect), where 1 is east and -1 is west |
TWI | The plot-level average of topographic wetness index, interpretation doesn’t rely on its physical units (larger values = greater accumulation of water) |
CABO_forests_species_mean_traits.csv | |
scientific_name | The scientific name of species, 31 species observed (Joins with CABO_forests_plot_vegetation_dataset.csv) |
trait_specific_leaf_ | The species-average trait value of specific leaf area, unit is m2kg-1 |
trait_leaf_mass_ | The species-average trait value of leaf mass per area, unit is gm-2 |
trait_leaf_dry_matter_ | The species-average trait value of leaf dry matter content, unit is mg g-1 |
trait_actual_leaf_dry_ | The species-average trait value of leaf dry matter content, unit is percent (%) |
trait_leaf_water_content | The species-average trait value of leaf water content, unit is mg g-1 |
trait_leaf_relative_ | The species-average trait value of leaf water content, unit is percent (%) |
trait_equivalent_water | The species-average trait value of leaf equivalent water thickness, unit is cm |
count_samples_leaf | The number of individuals used to calculate species-average trait values for specific leaf area to equivalent water thickness (count) |
trait_soluble_perc | The species-average trait value of foliar soluble cell component concentration, unit is percent (%) |
trait_hemicellulose_perc | The species-average trait value of foliar hemicellulose concentration, unit is percent (%) |
trait_cellulose_perc | The species-average trait value of foliar cellulose concentration, unit is percent (%) |
trait_lignin_perc | The species-average trait value of foliar lignin concentration, unit is percent (%) |
trait_recalcitrants_perc | The species-average trait value of foliar recalcitrant concentration, unit is percent (%) |
trait_ndf_perc | The species-average trait value of neutral detergent fiber, unit is percent (%) |
trait_adf_perc | The species-average trait value of acid detergent fiber, unit is percent (%) |
trait_adl_perc | The species-average trait value of acid detergent lignin, unit is percent (%) |
count_samples_CFRac | The number of individuals used to calculate species-average trait values for soluble cell components to acidic detergent fiber (count) |
trait_chla_mg_g_ | The species-average trait value of chlorophyl a mass-based concentration, units are mg g-1 |
trait_chlb_mg_g_ | The species-average trait value of chlorophyl b mass-based concentration, units are mg g-1 |
trait_carot_mg_g_ | The species-average trait value of carotenoids mass-based concentration, units are mg g-1 |
trait_chl_a_chl_b_ratio | The species-average trait value of the ratio of chlorophyl a to chlorophyl b |
trait_chla_mg_m2_byLMA | The species-average trait value of chlorophyl a area-based concentration, units are mg m-2 |
trait_chlb_mg_m2_byLMA | The species-average trait value of chlorophyl b area-based concentration, units are mg m-2 |
count_samples_pig | The number of individuals used to calculate species-average trait values for mass-based chlorophyl a concentration to area-based chlorophyl b concentration (count) |
trait_n_perc | The species-average trait value of leaf N concentration, unit is percent (%) |
trait_c_perc | The species-average trait value of leaf C concentration, unit is percent (%) |
count_samples_CN | The number of individuals used to calculate species-average trait values for leaf N concentration to leaf C concentration (count) |
Sharing/Access information
License: Creative Commons Attribution (cc-by)
Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data:
Associated code (Crofts 2024) is publicly available on GitHub ( and is archived at Zenodo (
Please refer to the methods section of the associated paper for methodological details, with additional details available at (doi: 10.17504/