Short-term dietary changes are reflected in the cerebral content of adult Ring-billed Gulls
Data files
Apr 17, 2024 version files 76.84 KB
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Jul 17, 2024 version files 103.83 KB
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Long-chain omega-3s (n3-LCPUFAs) are produced primarily in aquatic ecosystems and are essential for the structural integrity of vertebrates’ brains. Carnivorous mammals must consume n3-LCPUFAs throughout their lifespan to maintain optimal cerebral functions; it is unknown whether other taxa are under similar nutritional pressures. This is concerning because many avian predators now rely on anthropogenic foods lacking n3-LCPUFAs. Here, we tested whether a recent or longer-term diet explains the encephalic fatty acid composition of a seabird, the Ring-billed Gull, that now thrives in cities. During the breeding season, rural gulls exploiting marine organisms had significantly higher encephalic levels of n3-LCPUFAs (mean±SD: 32±1%) than city-nesting gulls exploiting garbage (27±1%). Stable isotope analysis of blood and feathers grown during different seasons showed that urban and rural nesters consumed similar fall and winter diets, suggesting that the difference in cerebral n3-LCPUFA of breeding adults was due to concomitant and transient dietary differences. We also experimentally manipulated gulls’ diets throughout incubation with a n3-LCPUFA supplement, a n3-LCPUFA-free caloric equivalent, or nothing, and found evidence that supplemental n3-LCPUFA increased urban nesters’ cerebral levels of n3-LCPUFAs. These complementary analyses provide strong evidence that the brain of a seabird remains plastic during adulthood and responsive to short-term dietary changes.
README: Short-term dietary changes are reflected in the cerebral content of adult Ring-billed Gulls
Description of the data and file structure
Dataset 1: Lamarre_Wilson_2024_main_data
Contains data regarding ring-billed gulls' breeding colonies, treatment groups, and biomarkers (stable isotopes and fatty acids). Used to establish whether short-term dietary supplementation and long-term diet were reflected in the composition of the brains of adults.
VERSION CHANGES: Changes between version 1 and version 2 of the dataset: The name of the file has been updated from Lamarre_Wilson_2024_RSOS_rawdata.csv to Lamarre_Wilson_2024_main_data.csv
Dataset 2: siber_isotope
Stable isotope data used specifically to work with the SIBER package in R
Spreadsheet 1: Lamarre_Wilson_2024_main_data | |
Variables | Descriptions |
Capture_date | Date at which tissues were collected |
Colony | Ring-billed Gull colonies investigated; Long Pond or Salmonier |
Colony_location | Long Pond = urban, Salmonier = rural |
Bird_ID | Unique identification |
Treatment_group | Supplementation treatment group; at Long Pond = 1_negative_control, 3_coconut (oil), 4_fish_oil; at Salmonier = 1_negative_control, 2_coconut (oil) |
Treatment_group2 | Supplementation treatment group 2 by positive control, negative control, or experimental group; at Long Pond = 1_control (negative control), 2_positive_control (coconut oil), 3_experimental (fish oil); at Salmonier = 1_control (negative control), 3_experimental (coconut oil) |
Head_d15N | Stable isotope nitrogen signature of head feathers (‰) |
Head_d13C | Stable isotope carbon signature of head feathers (‰) |
P1_d15N | Stable isotope nitrogen signature of primary P1 feathers (‰) |
P1_d13C | Stable isotope carbon signature of primary P1 feathers (‰) |
P10_d15N | Stable isotope nitrogen signature of primary P10 feathers (‰) |
P10_d13C | Stable isotope carbon signature of primary P10 feathers (‰) |
RBC_d15N | Stable isotope nitrogen signature of red blood cells (‰) |
RBC_d13C | Stable isotope carbon signature of red blood cells (‰) |
RBC_lcn3 | Sum of omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in the red blood cells (%) |
RBC_C14:0 [...] RBC_DHA | Percentage of the relative concentration of each identified fatty acid in the red blood cells (%) |
RBC_n3 | Sum of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the red blood cells (%) |
RBC_n6 | Sum of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the red blood cells (%) |
RBC_n6_n3 | Ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 in the red blood cells (%) |
CH_C10:0 [...] CH_C24:1 | Percentage of the relative concentration of each identified fatty acid in the cerebral hemispheres (%) |
CH_lcn3 | Sum of omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in the cerebral hemispheres (%) |
CH_n3 | Sum of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the cerebral hemispheres (%) |
CH_n6 | Sum of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the cerebral hemispheres (%) |
CH_n6_n3 | Ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 in the cerebral hemispheres (%) |
Spreadsheet 2: siber_isotope | |
Variables | Descriptions |
iso1 | Stable isotope carbon signature (‰) |
iso2 | Stable isotope nitrogen signature (‰) |
group | Tissue |
community | Colony |
NAs or empty cells in the CSV files indicate missing data that were not or could not be obtained during fieldwork or lab analyses
R script used for this article: Lamarre_Wilson_RSOS_2024.R
VERSION CHANGES: R Script version two include the omega-6:omega-3 analyses
R script runs exclusively with the datasets name Lamarre_Wilson_2024_main_data.csv & siber_isotope.csv
R script was written and run on R version 4.1.0 (R Core Team, 2023)