Higher vascular plant abundance associated with decreased ecosystem respiration after 20 years of warming in the forest-tundra -ecotone
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Oct 27, 2023 version files 47.94 KB
The ongoing climate warming is promoting shrub abundance in high latitudes, but the effect of this phenomenon on ecosystem functioning is expected to depend on whether deciduous or evergreen species increase in response to warming.
To explore effects of long-term warming on shrubs and further on ecosystem functioning, we analyzed vegetation and ecosystem CO2 exchange after 20 years of warming in the forest-tundra ecotone in sub-arctic Sweden. A previous study conducted nine years earlier had found increased evergreen Empetrum nigrum ssp. hermaphroditum in the forest and increased deciduous Betula nana in the tundra.
Following current understanding, we expected a continued increase in shrub abundance that would be stronger in tundra than in forest. We expected warming to increase ecosystem respiration (Re) and gross primary productivity (GPP), with a greater increase in Re in tundra due to increased deciduous shrub abundance, leading to a less negative net ecosystem exchange (NEE) and reduced ecosystem C sink strength.
As predicted, vascular plant abundances were higher in the warmed plots with a stronger response in tundra than in forest. However, whereas B. nana had increased in abundance since the last survey, E. hermaphroditum abundance had declined due to several moth and rodent outbreaks during the past decade. In contrast to predictions, Re was significantly lower in the warmed plots irrespective of habitat, and GPP increased marginally only in the forest. The lower Re and a higher GPP under warming in the forest together led to increased net C sink. Re was negatively associated with the total vascular plant abundance.
Our results highlight the importance of disturbance regimes for vegetation responses to warming. Climate warming may promote species with both a high capacity to grow under warmer conditions and a resilience towards herbivore outbreaks. Negative correlation between Re and total vascular plant abundance further indicates that the indirect impacts of increased plants on soil microclimate may become increasingly important for ecosystem CO2 exchange in the long run, which adds to the different mechanisms that link warming and CO2 fluxes in northern ecosystems.
README: Higher vascular plant abundance associated with decreased ecosystem respiration after 20 years of warming in the forest-tundra -ecotone
Dataset comprises of four different excel sheets, one read_me sheet and three data sheets.
First sheet: read_me. Description of the data and units for the next three sheets containing the actual data.
Second sheet: 2018 vascular vegetation data and ground layer data. Also seasonal averages of CO2 fluxes
measured in the same plots during the growing season 2018 (net ecosystem exchange NEE600, gross primary productivity GPP600
and ecosystem respiration Re). Vegetation data hits / 100 pins, CO2 data mg CO2 m−2 h−1
Third sheet: Vegetation data from the years 1999, 2009 and 2018 which is used to test the temporal change of plant abundances
between years. Values represent hits / 100 pins
Forth sheet: CO2 data from year 2018. All values standardized to par value 600, unit mg CO2 m−2 h−1
Context: we examine whether longer-term changes in vegetation differ from shorter-term changes, and whether the effects of warming on CO2 exchange differ between tundra and forest due to the different response of deciduous and evergreen dwarf shrubs to warming. For this, we report the responses of plant species composition and ecosystem CO2 fluxes to 20 years of simulated climate warming, carried out using open top chambers at tundra and mountain birch forest sites located in the forest-tundra ecotone in northernmost Sweden.
Results: Vascular plant abundances were higher in the warmed plots with a stronger response in tundra than in forest. However, whereas B. nana had increased in abundance since the last survey, E. hermaphroditum abundance had declined due to several moth and rodent outbreaks during the past decade. In contrast to predictions, Re was significantly lower in the warmed plots irrespective of habitat, and GPP increased marginally only in the forest. The lower Re and a higher GPP under warming in the forest together led to increased net C sink. Re was negatively associated with the total vascular plant abundance.
Our results highlight the importance of disturbance regimes for vegetation responses to warming. Climate warming may promote species with both a high capacity to grow under warmer conditions and a resilience towards herbivore outbreaks. Negative correlation between Re and total vascular plant abundance further indicate that the indirect impacts of increased plants on soil microclimate may become increasingly important for ecosystem CO2 exchange in the long run, which adds to the different mechanisms that link warming and CO2 fluxes in northern ecosystems.
Description of the data and file structure
Data is structured as written above. All the data is in one excel file comprising of four sheets. 1. Read me. 2. Vegetation and CO2 data in 2018 3.Vegetation 1999-2018 4. CO2data_2018.
First sheet "Read_me contains the detailed information about the names and metrics used in the data. Note that 3. Vegetation 1999-2018 contains less plots than 2. Vegetation and CO2 in 2018. This is simply due to the fact that researchers in 1999 and 2009 used less plots for their study than we in 2018. Therefore temporal vegetation development is tested using less plots and year 2018 with NMDS ordination and correlations and CO2 fluxes use data from seven OTCs and controls in forest and eight in the tundra.
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Vegetation analyses
The plant community composition was earlier recorded in 1999 and 2009 in five control plots and five OTCs in both habitats (Kaarlejärvi et al. 2012). We used the same plots during the present investigation and analyzed the composition of vegetation in July 2018 with the point intercept method: in OTCs, a total of 87 pins was systematically distributed among three diagonals of the hexagons, 29 pins per diagonal. For each pin, the total number of hits as well as the height of the highest hit were recorded for each plant. Only one hit for each species was counted at the ground layer for each pin. The same method was applied to control plots. Later the total number of hits was normalized to hits per 100 pins. Data from one forest plot was discarded because of poor plot condition.
Ecosystem carbon flux analyses
For the ecosystem carbon flux analyses, we included a few additional plots to have seven plots per treatment in the forest and eight plots per treatment in the tundra. The fluxes were analyzed at two-week intervals throughout the growing season 2018 (from 5th of June to 19th of August) using a closed system composed of a custom-built acrylic chamber (diameter 146 cm, height 60 cm) coupled to a Vaisala Carbon Dioxide Probe GMP343, Vaisala Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP75 and Vaisala Measurement Indicator MI70. Measurements included four consecutive measures of gradually changing light intensity: ambient light, 35% and 60% shading, and darkness to reveal ecosystem respiration, Re. Shading was implemented using hoods made of single- and double-layer white mosquito nets while darkness was obtained by covering the chamber with an opaque white hood. The chamber was vented before each measurement and placed carefully on top of the study plot so that the leakage of air from beneath the chamber was minimized. Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) within the chamber was recorded using an HD 9021 Quantum-Photo-Radiometer. The CO2 concentration, temperature, and humidity within chambers were logged at 5-s intervals for 90 s. The CO2 flux was calculated using CO2 and the chamber microclimate data and corrected for changes in temperature and water vapor pressure (Hooper et al., 2002). The net CO2 flux with light intensity above zero was regarded as NEE. For NEE, negative fluxes indicate a net uptake of CO2 from the atmosphere, whereas positive fluxes indicate a net release of CO2 into the atmosphere.
For the comparison of daily CO2 flux measurements between the treatments and control plots we normalized GPP to the PAR level of 600 µmol m-2 s-1. The GPP was calculated from the NEE and Re as:
GPP = NEE - Re
Daily plot-specific GPP values were fitted to their corresponding PAR levels using the nonlinear least squares (nls) function from stats package in R software environment as:
GPPij = AmaxPAR / k + PAR
where i stands for ith plot and j for jth date, Amax is the maximum GPP rate when saturated to light (mg CO2 m−2 h−1) and k is the half-saturation light constant (μmol m−2 s−1). Subsequently, the GPP600 was calculated for each plot and day at the light level of 600 μmol m−2 s−1 using Eq. 2 with PAR set to 600.