The threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) has emerged as an important model organism in evolutionary ecology, largely due to the repeated, parallel evolution of divergent morphotypes found in populations having colonized freshwater habitats. However, morphological divergence following colonization is not a universal phenomenon. We explore this in a large-scale estuarine ecosystem inhabited by two parapatric stickleback demes, each physiologically adapted to divergent osmoregulatory environments (fresh vs. saline waters). Using geometric morphometric analyses of wild-caught individuals, we detected significant differences between demes, in addition to sexual dimorphism, in body shape. However, rearing full-sib families from each deme under controlled, reciprocal salinity conditions revealed no differences between genotypes and highly significant environmental effects. It is also noteworthy that fish from both demes were fully plated, whether found in the wild or reared under reciprocal salinity conditions. Although we found significant heritability for body shape, we also noted significant direct environmental effects for many latent shape variables. Moreover, we found little evidence for diversifying selection acting on body size and shape (QST). Nevertheless, uniform compressive variation did exceed neutral expectations, yet despite evidence of both allometry and genetic correlation with body length, we detected no correlated signatures of selection. Taken together, these results suggest that much of the morphological divergence observed in this system is the result of plastic responses to environmental variation rather than adaptive differentiation.
Wild-caught individuals
Wild data. Deme indicates the sub-population to which an individual belongs (see McCairns and Bernatchez 2008 Mol. Ecol. 17:3901-3916 for further clarification regarding demes). Env is a coding variable indicating the salinity at the sampling site (FW=freshwater; SW=saltwater); note that BW indicates a site which experiences ‘atypical’ salinity fluctuations relative to other sites within the geographic location of a given deme. Site is code corresponding to map locations (this article & McCairns and Bernatchez 2008 Mol. Ecol. 17:3901-3916). Sex distinguishes females (F) and males (M) and Ind is the unique individual identifier. Individual size measurements include standard length (SL, mm), total weight (Total.Wt, g) and somatic weight (i.e. total weight less gonad weight; Somatic.Wt, g). Plate.No indicates the total number of lateral plates counted along the left side.
Growth (lab-reared families)
Growth data. The Family column indicated the environment-specific full-sib family group to which individuals belong. Dam & Sire indicate the individuals used as broodstock, and Mat.Deme & Pat.Deme denote their deme of origin, respectively (see McCairns and Bernatchez 2008 Mol. Ecol. 17:3901-3916 for further clarification regarding demes). Cross denotes the maternal x paternal lineage. Env indicates the rearing environment, either FW (< 1 parts-per-thousand salinity), or SW (20 parts-per-thousand). Day is the number of days post-fertilization when the measurement was taken, and SL denotes the standard length (mm).
Geometric morphometrics
Morphological data. Geometric morphometric landmark data for wild-caught (wild) and lab-reared (qg) fish combined – the respective data sets are indicated in the Data.Set column. All missing or irrelevant data points and coding variables are marked NA. Deme indicates the sub-population to which an individual belongs (see McCairns and Bernatchez 2008 Mol. Ecol. 17:3901-3916 for further clarification regarding demes). Site is code corresponding to map locations (see Fig. 1). Sex distinguishes females (F) and males (M). SL corresponds to individual standard length (mm) and Plate.No indicates the total number of lateral plates counted along the left side. Dam & Sire indicate the individuals used as broodstock, and Mat.Deme & Pat.Deme denote their deme of origin, respectively. Cross denotes the maternal x paternal lineage. For lab-reared fish (Data.Set=qg), Env indicates the rearing environment, either FW (< 1 parts-per-thousand salinity), or SW (20 parts-per-thousand); for wild-caught individuals (Data.Set=wild), Env is acoding variable indicating the salinity at the sampling site (FW=freshwater; SW=saltwater); note that BW indicates a site which experiences ‘atypical’ salinity fluctuations relative to other sites within the geographic location of a given deme. Columns x1 to y14 contain the raw coordinates of the 14 landmarks (see Methods for details). Cent.Size is the individual’s centroid size. Shear & Compr are the scores corresponding to affine (i.e. uniform) shape deformations, whereas columns Warp1 to Warp22 are the partial warp scores.