Decoupling of growth, physiological state, and subsequent performance in a developmentally manipulated songbird
It is generally assumed that larger juveniles are more physiologically mature, hence their overall condition and subsequent performance are higher. Yet, some taxa face extreme workload transitions during development (e.g., nest departure in birds), which may select for non-linear growth profiles that decouple relationships between body size and physiological state, making associations between development and juvenile performance uncertain. We manipulated perceived mass in European starlings approaching fledging using 4.0 g weighted backpacks, measuring subsequent growth trajectories (mass, wing length) and physiological state (aerobic capacity, energy state, oxidative status) to test whether body size and physiology are developmentally coupled during a non-linear growth phase (pre-fledging mass recession). Nanotag radio transmitters were then used to track post-fledging performance (activity, activity-slope, dispersal). Weighted nestlings had greater pre-fledging mass recession and lower oxidative status than controls, but equal aerobic capacity and energy state. Haemoglobin and dROMs, as well as metrics of growth and body size, predicted post-fledging performance in control birds, whereas weighted birds showed no correlation between fledgling state and performance. Our data suggest mass-independent development of some physiological traits in species with non-linear growth profiles, potentially with a context-dependent oxidative cost, and that physiology (not just body size) may predict post-fledging performance.
README: Decoupling of body size, physiological state, and subsequent performance in a developmentally manipulated songbird.
1. Title of dataset: Decoupling of growth, physiological state, and subsequent performance in a developmentally manipulated songbird.
2. Author information
Corresponding Investigator
Name: Joshua Allen
Institution: Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.
Co-investigator 1
Name: Brett Hodinka
Institution: Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.
Co-investigator 2
Name: Hannah Hall
Institution: Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.
Co-investigator 3
Name: Kathryn Leonard
Institution: Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.
Co-investigator 4
Name: Raven Barbera
Institution: Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.
Co-investigator 5
Name: Genavieve Desjardin
Institution: Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.
Co-investigator 6
Name: Tony Williams.
Institution: Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.
3. Date of data collection: May 2020 – August 2022
4. Location of data collection: Davistead Farm, Langley, British Columbia, Canada.
5. Funding sources: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Discovery grant (03949-2018) and accelerator grant (429387-2012).
These data were collected to experimentally test the developmental coupling of traits relating to body size (body mass and wing length) and physiological state (aerobic capacity, energy state, oxidative status) in the approach to fledging in a species with a non-linear growth profile. In addition, radiotracking data was used to test how morphological and physiological traits correlated with post-fledging performance in control and experimentally manipulated birds.
Morphological and physiological data were collected from a nestbox population of European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) at our long-term field site of Davistead Farm, Langley, British Columbia, Canada, over the course of three breeding seasons (2020-2022). On day 15 post-hatching, we randomly selected four chicks from brood sizes of 4–6, two of which were fitted with 4.0 g lead-weighted backpacks, using a leg-loop harness, with the remaining two chicks receiving no treatment and acting as controls. Both weighted and control nestlings were subsequently measured (body mass, tarsus, and wing length) on days 17 and 20 after hatching, while blood samples were also taken on day 20 to assess physiological state (aerobic capacity, energy state, oxidative status). In addition, between 2021-2022, after the removal of the weight treatment on day 20, nanotag radio transmitters (NTQB-4-2, Lotek Wireless Inc., Newmarket, Ontario, Canada) were fitted to fledglings and post-fledging activity data were collected up to 49 days after nest departure.
Haematocrit (% packed cell volume) was measured (± 0.01 mm) using digital calipers after whole blood was centrifuged for 3 min at 13 000 g (Microspin 24; Vulcon Technologies, Grandview, MO, USA). Haemoglobin (g dl−1) was measured using the cyanomethaemoglobin method modified for use with a microplate spectrophotometer (BioTek Powerwave 340; BioTek Instruments, Winooski, VT, USA), measuring 5 μl whole blood diluted in 1.25 ml Drabkin’s reagent (D5941; SigmaAldrich Canada, Oakville, Ontario, Canada) at 540 nm absorbance. Plasma triglycerides (mmol l−1) were measured with a colorimetric assay (Sigma-Aldrich Co.) following the manufacturer’s guidelines. Reactive oxygen metabolites (mg H 2 O 2 dl−1) and total antioxidant titers (μmol HClO ml−1) were measured using dROMs and OXY kits from Diacron International (Grosseto, Tuscany, Italy). Red blood cells from 2021 and 2022 were sent to HealthGene Laboratory (Concord, Ontario, Canada) for sexing by polymerase chain reaction alongside known adult samples for quality control. Sexing data were not available in 2020 as red blood cell samples were lost due to a freezer malfunction during the COVID-19 lockdown.
For radiotracking data, four automated radio telemetry towers (ART) were erected at typical foraging locations about the field site and scanned for nearby (approx. 1km) radio transmitters every 8 seconds. Each detection produced a power output that corresponded to the tag’s proximity to the tower (distance and angle to receiving antenna). Changes in power between successive detections were used as a measure of activity, with Δ power > 10 corresponding to an ‘active’ detection. The ratio of active to inactive detections for each chick was used to calculate % daily activity. From this daily activity data, we calculated (1) average post-fledging activity, (2) activity-slope, and (3) day of dispersal.
Number of variables: 35.
Number of rows: 706.
Unique identifiers: Box (nest ID), chick ID, BS.ID (blood sample ID) and tag ID (radio transmitter).
For physiological trait measurements, NAs for chicks of 15 and 17 days of age are due to blood samples not being taken until day 20. Similarly, NAs for chick ages 15 and 17 in relation to post-fledging radio telemetry data are because tags were not fitted until day 20. NAs for post-fledging data on day 20 in 2020 correspond to radio telemetry data not being recorded in that field season; NAs in 2021 & 2022 on day 20 for post-fledging data indicate a chick that was not fitted with a radio tag. NAs for ‘sex’ in 2020 correspond to loss of red blood cell samples during the COVID-19 lockdown of that year.
Blank cells
For developmental data (morphological and physiological traits), blank cells indicate early fledgling (before 20 days of age). For post-fledging performance data overall (activity, activity-slope, and dispersal), blank cells indicate chick mortality (see ‘Fate). Empty cells specifically for activity and activity-slope data correspond to chicks that had too few recorded days of activity to calculate these metrics (see ‘Detec5’). In addition, empty cells in ‘Act10’ (see below) indicates chicks that dispersed before 10 days post-fledging. Blank cells in ‘Fate’ mean no mortality was no observed via post-fledging data.
Variables, with abbreviations used (see above for unique identifiers):
· Brood
· Year
· Date
· Time
· Band; colour band.
· Sex
· Mass (body mass, g)
· Wing (Wing length, mm)
· Tars (Tarsus length, mm)
· Masschange1517; change in mass between ages 15-17 (also applies to ‘Wing’).
· Masschange1720; change in mass between ages 17-20 (also applies to ‘Wing’).
· Masschangetotal; change in mass between ages 15-20 (also applies to ‘Wing’).
· Age; days after hatching.
· Broodsize; number of chicks in the nest.
· BP?; ‘Backpack?’ Yes/No (Y/N) for whether chicks received weighted backpack. L corresponds to a backpack that fell off during treatment.
· Handling time; time between initial nest disturbance and weighing (days 15 and 17) or blood sampling (day 20).
· HCT; haematocrit (% vol).
· Hb; haemoglobin (g dl−1).
· Trig; plasma triglycerides (mmol l−1).
· dROMs; reactive oxygen metabolites (mg H2O2 dl−1).
· OXY; antioxidant titers (μmol HClO ml−1).
· Activity; average post-fledging activity (% of ‘active’ to ‘inactive’ detections)
· Act10; average post-fledging activity in first 10 days after fledging.
· Changeact; activity-slope.
· Disp.yn; Y/N for whether chick dispersed prior to concluding data collection.
·; days after fledging that chick dispersed.
· Fate; mortality.
· Detec5; did chick have < 5 days of activity data? Y/N.