Data for: Land use change and coastal water darkening drive synchronous dynamics in phytoplankton and fish phenology on centennial time scales
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At high latitudes, the suitable window for timing reproductive events is particularly narrow, promoting tight synchrony between trophic levels. Climate change may disrupt this synchrony due to diverging responses to temperature between e.g. the early life stages of higher trophic levels and their food resources. Evidence for this is equivocal, and the role of compensatory mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, we show how a combination of ocean warming and coastal water darkening drive long-term changes in phytoplankton spring bloom timing in Lofoten Norway, and how spawning time of Northeast Arctic cod responds in synchrony. Spring bloom timing was derived from hydrographical observations dating back to 1936, while cod spawning time was estimated from weekly fisheries catch and roe landing data since 1877. Our results suggest that land use change causing coastal water darkening has gradually delayed the spring bloom up to 1990 after which ocean warming has caused it to advance. The cod appear to track phytoplankton dynamics by timing gonadal development and spawning to maximize overlap between offspring hatch date and predicted resource availability. This finding emphasises the importance of land-ocean coupling for coastal ecosystem functioning, and the potential for fish to adapt through phenotypic plasticity.
File: Surface_Temp_Andenes_1868_1963.txt
This file describes the monthly mean surface temperature at the Andenes lighthouse, Norway (69.3 °N, 16.1 °E) in the period 1968 to 1963.
Temperaure: degrees Celcius (NaN = not a number)
Colunmns #1; year
Columns #2-13: months Jan-Dec.
File: Fish_landings_1877_2022.txt
This file describes the weekly catches/landings of Northeast Arctic (NEA) cod in Lofoten, Norway, in the period 1877-2022
Landed fish: tonnes (1000 kg) gutted NEA cod (NaN = not a number)
Column #1: year
Column #2-20: Week number. Week #1 is the first week of the year
File: Roe_Landings_1877_2022.txt
This files describes the weekly landings of Northeast Arctic (NEA) cod roe in Lofoten, Norway, in the period 1877-2022. This dataset is directly linked to the above dataset on NEA cod landings, as the landed roe quantity is extracted from the landed cod.
Landed roe: tonnes (1000 kg) NEA cod roe (NaN = not a number)
Column #1: year
Column #2-20: Week number. Week #1 is the first week of the year
Andenes surface temperature
The monthly mean sea surface temperature (C°) from the Andenes lighthouse (69.3 °N, 16.1 °E) for the years 1868 to 1963 where drawn from two sources.
- For the period 1868-1945, temperatures where drawn directly from the publication Means and extremes of sea temperature by the Norwegian coast tables 291a and 291b (pages 61-62) by E. Frogner (1948, Geofysiske publikasjoner Vol. XV Issue 3 Pages 5-74). The raw data consisted of 8-hourly to daily observations, but are processed to monthly means by E: Frogner, without uncertainty. The wherabouts of the raw data is unknown.
- For the period 1946-1963, monthly mean temperatures where made available upon request to the The Norwegian Meteorological Institute (
NEA cod catch statistics 1877-2021
Weekly resolved commercial landings of NEA cod and NEA cod-roe between 1877 and 2022 were drawn from the Official Fisheries Statistics of Norway via two pathways.
For the period 1877 to 2014 these recordnings are available both as printed books and scanned copies available at a digital repository managed by the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries. The name of the report, the report-series and the publisher changes through the years, and include the following titles.
- 1863-1878: Om Lofotfiskeriet aar [year], Årsberetning vedkommende Norges fiskerier,Departement for det indre
- 1879-1899: Lofotfiskeriet [year], Årsberetning vedkommende Norges fiskerier, Departement for det indre
- 1900-1905: Lofotfiskeriet [year], Årsberetning vedkommende Norges fiskerier, Norges fiskeristyrelse
- 1906-1922: Lofotfiskeriet [year], Årsberetning vedkommende Norges fiskerier, Fiskeridirektøren
- 1923-2000: Lofotfisket [year], Årsberetning vedkommende Norges fiskerier, Fiskeridirektøren
- 2001-2014: Melding fra utvalgsformannen for Lofotfisket. Meldingsåret [year], Årsberetning vedkommende Norges fiskerier, Fiskeridirektoratet
For a partly overlapping period 2000-2022 these data have been digitized and made available by the Norwegian Directorate of fisheries at this website, described in Hopland & Aasheim (2023).
The publication by E. Frogner (1948) and the data documentation for the 2000-2022 catsch statistics by Hopland & Aasheim (2023) have also been uploaded.