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Environment regimes play an important role in structuring trait- and taxonomy-based temporal beta diversity of riverine diatoms

Data files

Feb 11, 2022 version files 287.48 KB


This dataset is from the manuscript 'Environment regimes play an important role in structuring trait-and taxonomy-based temporal beta diversity of riverine diatoms' whereby daily riverine diatom data, flow, nutrients and metal ions data were used to examine i) the relative roles of turnover and nestedness components to trait- and taxonomy-based temporal beta diversity of riverine diatoms; ii) whether trait-based temporal beta diversity provides complementary information to taxonomy-based temporal beta diversity; iii) the relative roles of hydrology (e.g., discharge, antecedent precipitation index), metal ions (e.g., Mg2+, Si2+), and nutrients (e.g., nitrogen, orthophosphate) to the both facets of temporal beta diversity and their components (i.e., total beta diversity, turnover, and nestedness); and iv) whether inclusion of environment regimes increase their explained variations. Therefore, this dataset contains three different data: 1) daily species composition (date*species); 2) species trait (species * traits); 3) environmental variables (date*environmental variables).