Data from: Echericetus novellus n. gen. n. sp. (Cetacea: Mysticeti: Eomysticetidae), an Oligocene baleen whale from Baja California Sur, Mexico
Data files
Dec 14, 2023 version files 443.34 KB
Among the several evolutionary lineages of the baleen whales (Mysticeti), the eomysticetids are an ancient successful family that retain possibly non-functional teeth and functional baleen, a transitional stage between toothed and baleen-assisted filter-feeding mysticetes. However, the patchy fossil record leaves gaps in eomysticetids palaeobiology interpretations but their diversity and widespread geographical distribution can be a relevant proxy to understanding the evolution of crown Mysticeti. Here, we describe a new baleen whale, Echericetus novellus n. gen. n. sp., from the Oligocene of Mexico (slightly older than 27.95 million years ago). This new taxon has morphological features that show its affinity to Eomysticetidae, such as the intertemporal region longer than wide, elongate and oval temporal fossa, and a well-developed and lobate coronoid process of the mandible. Similarly, our cladistic analyses confirm the inclusion of Echericetus in the Eomysticetidae. Echericetus reinforces our notion of the eomysticetid diversity and disparity. Geographically, the existence of Echericetus from Mexico also indicates that eomysticetids inhabited subtropical regions in the Northern Hemisphere. Lastly, our discovery of a new eomysticetid from the Oligocene of Mexico provides new insights into the distribution patterns and habitat use of Eomysticetidae, essential to further explain the demise of this transitional lineage between toothed and baleen-bearing whales.
README: Echericetus novellus n. gen. n. sp. (Cetacea: Mysticeti: Eomysticetidae), an Oligocene baleen whale from Baja California Sur, Mexico
This Hernández Cisneros Schwennicke Rochín-Bañaga and Tsai_README.txt file was generated on 2023-10-07 by CH Tsai
A.1. Principal Investigator Contact Information
Institution: Department of Life Science and Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, National Taiwan University
A.2. Co-investigator Contact Information
Name: Atzcalli Ehécatl Hernández Cisneros
Institution: Instituto Politécnico Nacional
Name: Tobias Schwennicke
Institution: Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur
Name: Heriberto Rochín-Bañaga
Institution: University of Toronto
B.1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data:
CC0 (Dryad Repository)
B.2. Links to publications that cite or use the data:
Hernández Cisneros AE, Schwennicke T, Rochín-Bañaga H, and Tsai CH. 2023. Echericetus novellus n. gen. n. sp. (Cetacea: Mysticeti: Eomysticetidae), an Oligocene baleen whale from Baja California Sur, Mexico. Journal of Paleontology.
C.1. File List:
Hernández Cisneros Schwennicke Rochín-Bañaga and Tsai 2023 Echericetus Supp Info Oct07.docx
Hernández Cisneros Schwennicke Rochín-Bañaga and Tsai 2023 Echericetus Supp Info Oct07 ordered.nex
D.1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data:
The phylogenetic analysis was performed based on the original data matrix from Marx and Fordyce (2015), including recent updates from Hernández-Cisneros and Nava-Sanchez (2022) and Hernández-Cisneros (2022). We also reviewed coded characters for Maiabalaena and Sitsqwayk. The following characters were changed in both taxa: character (c.) 26 coded from the state (s.) “?” to “1” (teeth in adult individuals absent or vestigial, see discussion on baleen origins; Ekdale and Deméré, 2022; Gatesy et al., 2022); c. 83 from s. “2” to “1” (the temporal fossa form a large parasagittal oval); c. 100 from s. “0” to “2” (almost 90 degrees twisting of the zygomatic process of squamosal). For Maiabalaena, c. 11 from s. “?” to “1” (antorbital process present and defined by a steep face separating the posterolateral corner of the maxilla from its more anterior rostral portion); c. 103 from s. “0” to “1” (absent supramastoid crest of the zygomatic process of squamosal). For Sitsqwayk, c. 24 from s. “?” to “1” (a straight facial portion of the rostrum in lateral view). Also, the following characters in Tlaxcallicetus guaycurae were changed: c. 83 from s. “2” to “?”, c. 99 from s. “0” to “?”, c. 117 from s. “2” to “1”, c. 119 from s. “1” to “0”, c. 132 from s. “1” to “0”, c. 136 from s. “0” to “1”, c. 160 from s. “0” to “?”, c. 161 from s. “0” to “?”, c. 187 from s. “0” to “0&1”. The present matrix of 272 characters has 112 terminal taxa (see the supplemental files; Hernández Cisneros et al., 2023).
D.2. Methods for processing the data:
we inactivate unpublished taxa (not ready for re-examination) and poorly-preserved species (e.g. Willungacetus). Thus, 106 taxa were treated under the parsimony analysis using T.N.T. v.1.5 software (Goloboff and Catalano, 2016). Characters were analyzed under equal and implied weights (under the standard value k= 3 and the calculated k=28.18360 using the script “setk”; Goloboff, 1993; Goloboff et al., 2008; Goloboff et al., 2018), ordered and using a backbone constraint tree –force / (5 ((16 51) (33 (48 ((19 21) ((26 73) (24 (22 25))))))));–. Settings include 10,000-random stepwise-addition replicate per tree, bisection reconnection (TBR) branch swapping with ten trees per replicate and enforce constraints. The multiple most parsimonious trees were summarized under strict consensus. Support values were obtained by symmetric resampling based on 2000 replicates and reported as GC frequency differences (Goloboff et al., 2003). Under equal weights, a second analysis was run due to overflow replications using saved trees in the memory from the first result. Only the consensus tree resulting from the implied weights (k= 28.18360) is explained regarding the specimen MRAHBCS Pal/V119.
D.3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data:
PDF viewer, TNT software for cladistic analysis.
D.4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate:
Not applicable
D.5. Environmental/experimental conditions:
Not applicable
D.6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data:
Not applicable (see link to publication for details)
D.7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission:
Hernández Cisneros AE, Schwennicke T, Rochín-Bañaga H, and Tsai CH.
E. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Hernández Cisneros Schwennicke Rochín-Bañaga and Tsai 2023 Echericetus Supp Info Oct07.docx
F. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Hernández Cisneros Schwennicke Rochín-Bañaga and Tsai 2023 Echericetus Supp Info Oct07 ordered.nex
[END OF Hernández Cisneros Schwennicke Rochín-Bañaga and Tsai_README.txt]
Links to publications that cite or use the data:
Hernández Cisneros AE, Schwennicke T, Rochín-Bañaga H, and Tsai CH. 2023. Echericetus novellus n. gen. n. sp. (Cetacea: Mysticeti: Eomysticetidae), an Oligocene baleen whale from Baja California Sur, Mexico. Journal of Paleontology.