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Data from: Herteliana schuyleriana (Squamarinaceae), a new crustose lichen widespread in the Appalachian Mountains of eastern North America

Data files

Mar 29, 2017 version files 10.58 KB


Herteliana schuyleriana is described as new to science based on collections from throughout the Appalachian Mountains of eastern North America. Taxonomic placement is inferred from molecular phylogenic analysis of mtSSU sequence data that recovered the taxon as sister to the type species of Herteliana, H. gagei, and strongly supported these taxa as embedded within the Squamarinaceae. The new species is characterized by its occurrence on non-calcareous shaded rocks in inland forested habitats (vs. exposed maritime oceanic habitats), its greenish-blue crustose thallus, presence of abundant blastidia on the thallus surface, frequent sterility, and by the production of roccellic/angardianic acid together with occasional trace amounts of psoromic acid as accessories to atranorin.