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Charts of TGA and FTIR of biopolemers and their resulted AgNPs

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Oct 14, 2020 version files 1.22 MB


This work deals with evaluating the performance of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) synthesized from sodium caseinate as green biological active agent, in comparison with famous used carboxymethyl cellulose and other carbohydrates (oxidized nanocellulose fibers (OC) and starch (St)). The TGA, FT-IR, TEM as well as its anti-biological behaviour toward gram negative bacteria, gram positive bacteria and Candida albicans .are examined. With regard to its anti-tumour activity, the evaluation is studied via many cancer cell lines against RPE1 (normal retina cell line)]. The data obtained reveal that, the SC-Ag(I) and CMC-Ag(I) complexes are formed in six and five-membered ring geometrical structures; respectively, as nanoparticles; while linear chelation structure is formed in case of OC-Ag (I) and St-Ag(I) complexes. The SC-AgNPs, provides greatest inhibition zone, especially +ve bacteria and fungus. It is recommended as promising and safety anti-cancer treating agents, especially towards HCT116 and PC3 (IC50 25.8 µg/ml & 45.1 µg/mL and SI 2.8->3.9).