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Data from: The COVID-19 trial finder

Data files

Nov 16, 2021 version files 1.19 MB


Clinical trials are the gold standard for generating reliable medical evidence, but patient search of relevant trials often suffers from information overload. With nearly 700 COVID-19 trials conducted in the United States as of August 2020, it is imperative that trial seekers can search for COVID-related clinical trials efficiently to enable rapid recruitment to these studies. We developed a web application called COVID-19 Trial Finder, which facilitates COVID-19 trial search in the United States, first by location and radius distance from trial sites, then by brief, dynamically-generated medical questions to allow users to pre-screen their eligibility for nearby COVID-19 trials with minimum human computer interaction. A simulation study using 20 patient case reports demonstrates the accuracy and effectiveness of the COVID-19 Trial Finder.