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Data from: Hypoxia blunts angiogenic signaling and upregulates the antioxidant system in elephant seal endothelial cells

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Apr 15, 2024 version files 581.77 MB



Elephant seals exhibit extreme hypoxemic tolerance derived from repetitive hypoxia/reoxygenation episodes they experience during diving bouts. Real-time assessment of the molecular changes underlying protection against hypoxic injury in seals remains restricted by their at-sea inaccessibility. Hence, we developed a proliferative arterial endothelial cell culture model from elephant seals and used RNA-seq, functional assays, and confocal microscopy to assess the molecular response to prolonged hypoxia.


Seal and human endothelial cells exposed to 1% O2 for up to 6 h respond differently to acute and prolonged hypoxia. Seal cells decouple stabilization of the hypoxia-sensitive transcriptional regulator HIF-1α from angiogenic signaling. Rapid upregulation of genes involved in glutathione (GSH) metabolism supports the maintenance of GSH pools, and intracellular succinate increases in seal but not human cells. High maximal and spare respiratory capacity in seal cells after hypoxia exposure occurs in concert with increasing mitochondrial branch length and independent from major changes in extracellular acidification rate, suggesting that seal cells recover oxidative metabolism without significant glycolytic dependency after hypoxia exposure.


We found that the glutathione antioxidant system is upregulated in seal cells during hypoxia, while this system remains static in comparable human cells. Furthermore, we found that in contrast to human cells, hypoxia exposure rapidly activates HIF-1 in seal cells, but this response is decoupled from the canonical HIF-angiogenesis pathway. These results highlight the unique mechanisms that confer extraordinary tolerance to limited oxygen availability in a champion diving mammal.