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Dynamic energy landscapes of predators and the implications for modifying prey risk

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Nov 15, 2023 version files 178.32 KB


Landscapes of fear describe a spatial representation of an animal's perceived risk of predation and the associated foraging costs, while energy landscapes describe the spatial representation of their energetic cost of moving and foraging. Fear landscapes are often dynamic and change based on predator presence and behavior, and variation in abiotic conditions that modify risk. Energy landscapes are also dynamic and can change across diel, seasonal, and climatic timescales based on variability in temperature, snowfall, wind/current speeds etc.

Recently, it was suggested that fear and energy landscapes should be integrated. In this paradigm, the interaction between the landscapes relates to prey being forced into areas of the energy landscape they would avoid if risk were not a factor. However, dynamic energy landscapes experienced by predators must also be considered since they can affect their ability to forage, irrespective of variation in prey behavior. We propose an additional component to the fear and dynamic energy landscape paradigm that integrates landscapes of both prey and predators, where predator foraging behavior is modulated by changes in their energyscape.

Specifically, we integrate the predators' energy landscape into foraging theory that predicts prey patch-leaving decisions under the threat of predation. We predict that as a predator's energetic cost of foraging increases in a habitat, then the prey's foraging costs of predation and patch quitting harvest rate will decrease. Prey may also decrease their vigilance in response to increased energetic foraging cost for predators, which will lower prey-giving-up densities.

We then provide examples in terrestrial, aerial and marine ecosystems where we might expect to see these effects. These include birds, sharks which use updrafts that vary based on wind and current speeds, tidal state, or temperature and terrestrial predators (e.g. wolves) whose landscapes vary seasonally with snow depth or ice cover which may influence their foraging success and even diet selection.

A predator perspective is critical to considering the combination of these landscapes and their ecological consequences. Dynamic predator energy landscapes could add a spatiotemporal component to risk effects which may cascade through food webs.