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A 520-year paleolimnological grain size and ITRAX record from Harvey Lake, New Brunswick, Canada

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This grain size data was derived from a 250 mm long gravity Glew Maxi core (HL-2017-GC-2) collected from near the mouth of Herbert's Cove, Harvey Lake, New Brunswick Canada (45°43’42.535” N; 67°01’23.739” W) at a water depth of 4.5 m.  The core was subsampled on-site at 2 mm resolution using a Glew core extruder before transport to Carleton University for subsequent analysis. Subsamples were analyzed using a Beckman Coulter LS 13 320 laser diffraction grain size analyzer equipped with a universal liquid module.  The resultant triplicate grain size data were averaged using a script within Matlab which generated the data archived here.  The data was then analyzed using End Member Mixing Analysis and three distinct end members were recognized EM01, Mode = 05 μm; EM02, Mode = 27μm; EM03, Mode = 58 μm). Subsequent radiocarbon dating revealed that deposition spanned the last 520 years of deposition. During this interval there were 12 major storms (EM03) and analysis of precipitation data from the Harvey climate station indicated that ~110 mm of rain was required for the deposition of EM01 in Harvey Lake. The deposition of EM02 was derived from the yearly spring freshet runoff.