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Nesting data from 42 Arabian Babbler (Argya squamiceps) nests

Data files

Mar 29, 2024 version files 11.98 KB


Human villages in deserts can provide resources in an otherwise stark environment, potentially buffering against extreme environmental conditions. It is thus expected that breeding within these villages would result in higher fitness. However, choosing to raise offspring in these resource-rich environments may have unintended negative consequences. Here, we studied the breeding success of a cooperative breeding bird nesting in habitats with different levels of human disturbance – the Arabian babbler (Argya squamiceps), in the Negev desert of Israel. We recorded 42 breeding attempts from 15 groups between March and July, 2022. We examined overall breeding success, brood size, and causes of nest failure. When nestlings were 6-days old we also calculated daily change in body mass and adult provisioning rate. We found that despite higher resource abundance in villages, proximity to villages did not affect provisioning rate, and nestling gained less mass at higher temperatures for all nests. Currently, there is no evidence that human villages are providing oases for nesting babblers. Nevertheless, various conservation interventions (e.g. encouraging residents to keep cats indoors) could improve babblers' overall fitness. Ultimately, we highlight how for some desert specialists, additional resources provided by humans may not do enough to counter potential negative effects.